Limerick People you despise

Your “rough guess” has nothing to do with it, though he’d probably need a staff that size to maintain that monstrosity of a mansion the likes of which would make the English landed gentry gasp. Is McManus selling the bogmen the line that he is living in Switzerland so he can keep hungry mouths fed back in Ireland? Oh sweet suffering Jesus, heard it all now.

Mac you and other horsey peoples view on JP is corrupt and bias so holds no water whatsoever .

Typical Irish small mindedness. You lads should be proud of him.

RTT, you’d no issue with him when you were filling yourself full of drink at his expense a while back after coursing.

JP is a hero. I am very proud of him.

A hero? For fucking what? For making money he doesn’t pay tax here on? Michael O’Leary makes money, and he lives and pays tax in this country, I don’t see anyone calling him a hero. JP exchequer-swindling traitor cunt McManus makes money and pays little or no tax here, but he throws a few crumbs from the table to the bogmen to buy their support and they call him a ‘hero’. That’s like the landed gentry lord-of-the-manor throwing corn meal to the peasants and they doff their cap to him and say how great he is to the other peasants. Embarrassing.

What JP has quietly donated to education, medicine, respite care, hospices and, obviously, sport has dwarfed what these areas are getting from our tin-pot German-run government and he’s never looked for anything in return.

You want to talk about exchequer-swindling traitor cunts?, then look no further than what’s represented you in Dail Eireann for the last 20 years.

JP is a legend.

[quote=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 809457, member: 1624”]What JP has quietly donated to education, medicine, respite care, hospices and, obviously, sport has dwarfed what these areas are getting from our tin-pot German-run government and he’s never looked for anything in return.

You want to talk about exchequer-swindling traitor cunts?, then look no further than what’s represented you in Dail Eireann for the last 20 years.

JP is a legend.[/quote]

Don’t waste your time with these cunts, they don’t want to hear the truth.

You’re right of course. I’ve said what I wanted to say and will not engage with these clowns any further on the matter.

[quote=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 809457, member: 1624”]What JP has quietly donated to education, medicine, respite care, hospices and, obviously, sport has dwarfed what these areas are getting from our tin-pot German-run government and he’s never looked for anything in return.

You want to talk about exchequer-swindling traitor cunts?, then look no further than what’s represented you in Dail Eireann for the last 20 years.

JP is a legend.[/quote]

So it’s the politicians that justify McManus being a tax-dodging traitor cunt so? I expect that goes for all of us and we should all stop paying our taxes in the morning and become Greece or maybe even fucking Zimbabwe is it? Or is just JP can do it ? And McManus was in bed with these same scummy politicians, he even gave donations to Fianna Fail and PJ Mara. And the treacherous cunt hasn’t just been defrauding usby not paying his taxes, he was defrauding the state with his dodgy land deals on the old Johnston, Mooney and O’Brien site to Telecom Eireann with his buddy Charlie Haughey. Do you still think it clever to justify the traitor cunt’s dealings because of politicians?

And care to tell us how much JP has “quietly donated”? Would it be any where near the amount he hasn’t paid in tax to his country in the last 20 years? And if it’s “quietly donated”, how come you know so much about it , or are you one of the peasants who got some pennies thrown at you while you were waiting outside Lord McManus of Kilmallock’s stately pile?

Nearly every post made by The Savage Eye is a potential legal minefield for the site.

The Burner, could you review them and let us know where we stand, please pal?

[quote=“Bandage, post: 809464, member: 9”]Nearly every post made by The Savage Eye is a potential legal minefield for the site.

The Burner, could you review them and let us know where we stand, please pal?[/quote]

Go away you snivelling, grovelling cunt. What I posted about traitor McManus is all in the public domain.

What requirement does JP have to pay tax here? None of his main businesses are based here. Should all people who leave ireland and set up businesses abroad have to pay tax here? Or is it just because he has been successful he should pay?

He certainly isn’t tax dodging and most of us in his situation would do the same and go non res - but in what industry does he employ that many - bloodstock ? He doesn’t have a share in say cool more though

[quote=“The Savage Eye, post: 809463, member: 2051”]So it’s the politicians that justify McManus being a tax-dodging traitor cunt so? I expect that goes for all of us and we should all stop paying our taxes in the morning and become Greece or maybe even fucking Zimbabwe is it? Or is just JP can do it ? And McManus was in bed with these same scummy politicians, he even gave donations to Fianna Fail and PJ Mara. And the treacherous cunt hasn’t just been defrauding usby not paying his taxes, he was defrauding the state with his dodgy land deals on the old Johnston, Mooney and O’Brien site to Telecom Eireann with his buddy Charlie Haughey. Do you still think it clever to justify the traitor cunt’s dealings because of politicians?

And care to tell us how much JP has “quietly donated”? Would it be any where near the amount he hasn’t paid in tax to his country in the last 20 years? And if it’s “quietly donated”, how come you know so much about it , or are you one of the peasants who got some pennies thrown at you while you were waiting outside Lord McManus of Kilmallock’s stately pile?[/quote]

Rubbish Johnson money had nothing to,do with McManus your mixing him with others… Eg Smurfit and I’m not saying Smurfit did anything untoward

Oh I am mixing him up with others, am I? The Glackin report (which investigated the sale) stated

“I am satisfied, on a basis that I believe is reasonable, that Mr. McManus was promised by Mr. Desmond as his consideration for the advance a share of the profits and that this was either agreed in advance or during the period between 29th June 1990 when the money was received from Telecom, and 19th July 1990 when the request was made to Ansbacher for the first cash withdrawal of £100,000. I can find no evidence that any other person received any of the cash of £500,000 and find accordingly that it was received by Mr. McManus.”

Maybe grovelling would-be-censor Bandage should check it out too. McManus is only a “hero” in the Charlie/Bertie/Michael Lowry mode.

What McManus doing tax-wise is legal. But he is still a traitor rat for doing it, and buying the parish-pump goodwill of easily-bought bogmen by throwing a few bob here and there doesn’t make him any less of a traitor rat.

You’re a very angry young man.

JP believes he can put his money to more use than the government would be able. He is certainly right about that.

I don’t blame other counties being envious of the relationship that JP has with his own country. It would be great for Ireland if every county had a JP.


You seem a bit obsessed. Probably logging off and taking a stroll would do you the world of good.