Limerick v Kilkenny 2’19

yes, the format changed last year.

Yes, the format changed in 2018.

It’s not the first time that teams who have lost two games went on to the knockout phase tho.

They would sicken your shit

You tell me Statto.


Cork vs Kilkenny was only two weeks ago?



From Tipp, as a lurker of reasonable standing, I’ve admired the frank nature of the exchanges on this forum. Twas Applecrumbled that prompted me to register with his outlandish opinions.


Any word on Cillian Buckley? He was very quiet the last day, and taken off at half-time. The fact that he started at all would suggest that Cody must have thought he was close. But Fogarty went on to have his best game in years anyway.

There have been a lot of changes game-on-game from Kilkenny so far, you’d imagine that Wally will start. There’ll be a certain amount of rotation but Wally/TJ/Donnelly/Mullen across the half-forward line, leaving Hogan & Fennelly inside is is probably what we’ll see?

Leahy in midfield with Browne, Maher, Buckley or Fogarty. You’d imagine they’ll keep Fogarty at wing-back after he did so well the last day.

Will Walsh move back to the full-back line after he really helped out there against Cork? If so, they will be glad of Buckley who is one of their better distributors. There’s Conor Delaney as well who is returning from injury.

Billy Ryan, Bill Sheehan, Blanchfield, their main subs in the forwards? What’s the story with Aylward?

Limerick have a chance to kill of Kilkenny. Any sane Tipp person would not like to see Kilkenny back in an All Ireland Final. We’d like them to fuck off for a good long decade or more (a la Cork)

The kk team is improving with every game as I hired players make their way back and find form, I’d say Cody is quietly pleased with the squad at his disposal for this game compared to last year or even to their last few games.

Huh? Messi hasn’t missed an important penalty in years. The one against Chelsea in 2012 is the only one I can think of and even that shouldn’t have mattered

KK are going no where – as Glas said above he’s slowly building and has some decent young attackers getting some good game time— look short at the back tho.

Cody doent look like he’s going anywhere, but if he falls short this year there might be some more whispers about him moving on?

What else has the fucker to do? He’s retired from the day job. I’m sure his Mrs would be sick of the sight of his mopey head around the place. They can’t ever give him the heave.


Nothing outlandish. Callanan is a bottler and a coward. He’s cost tipp 3 all irelands

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It’s certainly better than 2017, and they’re going in the right direction.

I still think they are weak at corner-back, if Conor Delaney could do a job there, that would be huge (I know he’s played full-back, I don’t know if he’d be good enough in the corner). Having to move the likes of Padraig Walsh back there as a stopgap is far from ideal.

TJ didn’t score from play the last day but they are still reliant on him as a ballwinner and creative force, you have to try and disrupt him too.

Please control your emotions & watch that tongue. Thank you.

He’s won them 16 and arguably his sub impact in 10 was a turning point. If he does the business in this year’s final, the balance sheet will be balanced if we go by your absolutely bonkers logic (11 was his only really poor final when he was hooked at half time)

Messi is an awful penalty taker. Every penalty is a pressure as its embarrsing if they are missed. A bad penalty taker is a sign of mental weakness.

To quote Theodore Roosevelt " “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Far be it from me to criticise a man who’s given his teeth for Tipperary.


Have you ever taken a penalty in a hurling match ?