Limerick v Kilkenny 2’19

An in form Flanagan would given them a massive out for long ball yesterday. Tis a pity he is gone back so far. We will need him back firing next year to be back among the contenders.

Can you coach it? Shooting comes from self belief (ok you can coach THAT, cc caroline currid) and my point correctly picked up on by mike who then received credit from gil that i should have got was that its being over drummed into limerick to find a man in a better position. Are lads shooting on guilt, and hitting wides then thinking ive really let us down as i could have found someone who would have scored that, rather than saying im the man to win it

If Hannon is not there to play that kind of game then it falls apart imo. We saw this in the first Tipp game.

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What was wrong with Hannon yesterday?

Absolutely. Some of the wides were criminal. But they also coughed up a few scores by fuck acting in the full/Half back line when they would have been better of just hitting the ball as far as they could and get the chance to reset. Hopefully they’ll learn from it .

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And because Kilkenny were so rabid yesterday those passes needed to be hit a bit harder than was comfortable, first touch was off yesterday for many on both sides



We’ve been like that all year.

Richie Hogan concussed him with a shoulder.

Richie concussed himself.

Who were these?

Are you implying that Hannon had a Croke park meltdown like in 2013

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No, I leave that sort of talk to the likes of you.

Ah now, don’t be like that.

It’s OK, I still love you.

We need a return to hit and whip. No ifs no buts.

There was nowhere near enough whacking this year.

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Dry your eyes squarehead.

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Don’t you have some rubbish to burn out the back?


:grinning: I can see the smoke from my window!