Limerick v Kilkenny 2’19

yeah, fair point. on review, they stuck with hannon for far too long, he didn’t puck a ball after the knock. could have moved Kyle back or brought on Nash sooner. Hannon was just about getting away with it laying off hand passes to the nearest player to him, tbf nothing broke down due to him, so you could see perhaps why they hoped to get him to the dressing room and assess from there. disrupting 3 lines on the field to keep him on the pitch might be the one big regret Kiely has from the day.

the main regret from the season surely must be the lack of depth, despite what has been written about us. HF options capable of covering ground needed. GH’s touch was off in the first half too, perhaps he was injured rather than tired.

our first instinct is to run the ball when receiving possession (WOD shipped some hit from Donnelly in the first few minutes, and hid from nothing thereafter) whereas KK were a lot quicker to hand pass to a free man, consequently they dished out more hits than they received. KK are just a lot more comfortable in that environment than we were.

in a way, it’s what we thought we’d get from galway last year, they were just too long on the road to dish it out. like you said, a learning process. LK v KK will be worth admission in the NHL next year, even if the rest of it is a glorified blitz.


I still wear my Galway all Ireland champions one from 2015 mate.

I genuinely doubt you get much joy from it.

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That sums it up Mike. No one died, It was a good learning experience.

I don’t really. I got no joy from Limerick losing tbh. A lot of the Limerick triumphalism began to grate though.

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sure Hurling was invented in 2018

Fella in front of me commented “they should get Shane Lowry out to hit it”. It got a good laugh.

I have never seen this style of swing before? Some innovation from Dowling… he got serious power into it.


It was a sensational goal.

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The man is a genius in fairness. Do you remember the one handed point v kilkenny in 2014


Is it fair to say that KK having to deal with a replay before the quarter final and Galway the same before the final was a major factor to Limericks success in 2’18? Was that discussed at all?


I’d say that Limerick beating Kilkenny and Galway was a bigger factor in Limerick’s success in 2018


He got a lovely bit of loopy side spin on it that deceived the goalkeeper.

Try telling young lads not to do that !!

Was some goal and technically very hard to do . Dowling has a very big swing and isn’t the tidiest in tight spaces .

Enda McEvoy maintains the gillane penalty was struck inside 21 and goal should not have stood . Can someone confirm ?

Not only was it mentioned you praised the poster who called the lad who posted it a woman.

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I think i mentioned it in passing once

Striking a penalty inside the 21 should, like plenty of other rules, be ignored unless its absolutely blatant, or its Anthony Nash.

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His foot was inside but he clearly struck it outside.

Ok : I only started reading papers today .