Limerick v Kilkenny 2’19

Put the turkey in the oven a bit late on Christmas morning

It’s very sad you would make comments about players sexuality. It’s nobodies business on here. They play for limerick and that’s all that counts.

We have a queue over to the Protestant church of lads wanting to join us shure.

Ah you don’t really, you never heard of Jamie Wall until last week

How am I mean to know every coach’s name in ireland and in turn no whether he is in a wheelchair or not. I don’t like the Fitzgibbon and would nt pay any attention to it. Remember I told ye tipp would beat cork day 1 and cork would beat us the following week. Last year I was only fella left posting because I knew limerick would beat Galway. The rest of ye went into hiding afraid to give an opinion incase it was thrown back in Your face.

He’s also the coach to one of the top three club teams in Limerick so you obviously don’t know much. You also said that 4 points wouldn’t be enough to qualify us from the group. The only reason you left the private group is because you had another of your hissy fits, just like you had yesterday

No I said if we lost to cork and Waterford 4 points would nt be enough. No glas said i would nt support certain limerick players so I left. Nobody called him out on it. Balbec continues to mock Kyle Hayes but no limerick “supporter” calls him out. They are too busy standing for windy Horgan.

Knowing a coaches name doesn’t mean you know anything about hurling. I’m not good with names. I’m interested in the actual play not the backroom teams names.

You take this too seriously, if someone said I wouldn’t support certain players I’d just call them a cunt. You need to toughen up a little a learn some resilience. You are also incorrect on the four points discussion

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I’ll stick up every player provided they are putting it in. I’m not going to get some cunt belittle them because of their club or whatever his problem is with the lad. He plays for limerick and gives his all. That’s all that should count.

I’m sure Kyle Hayes really appreciates you leaving that private group for him. Who did you tip in the Cork Kilkenny match?


22 minutes ago you were using the fact that you correctly predicted the winners of two games as proof that you know a lot about hurling…


Nobody is right all the time or else you probably wouldn’t be posting on here.

nobody claims to be. You claim to know more about hurling than most though.

I do.

a Tipp v KK final would be tasty …something for the hurling purist to look forward to

why, because you know a few panel members? sure everyone knows a few panel members.

What ? Knowing players means nothing when it comes to analysing a game for fucks sake.

so what’s your differentiation? what makes your analysis and opinion unique and better than most?

From what I see, you tend to pick the best player on the field and say he was useless

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