Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

I’ve never heard of any child missing an All-Ireland final because they had school the next day, and if it ever happened the parents should be done up on child abuse charges.

He has a cut off Mullane here, 32:55

I enjoyed Eddie O Connor’s interview there, no nonsense, even if he did indirectly have a cut off Limerick’s style of play.

I really hope Richie Reid’s nickname is “The Shoe Bomber”.


Making a clown out of @thelimericks when they should be enjoying the build up to the game and talking tactics

Talking Tactics?
We have a Plan A and when that isn’t working we try Plan A harder.

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Crystal Swing to star in the 2023 half-time show.

Who says we’re not enjoying the build up?

Mighty respect between Kiely and Cody, some great words this week. Two proper gentlemen

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Put the ball over the bar or into the back of the net. No ifs no buts.


2 brilliant managers

I think Kilkenny won on the OTB kitchen comparisons comp. A nice design. I think lads here were a bit harsh on Tom Ryan for having a few envelopes on top of the microwave though. I actually thought the kitchen was quite neat for a man of his vintage.


Corporate etc takes a lash
And the poor ol touts will have the usual I suppose
Or is it all stopped?
It’s been eons

What was the price of a pint the last time Cork were in a final, €2 ?


No twas 2 punts- feels like it

Still though by the time ye equal our record we will be living on mars enmasse

Euro wasn’t here at all

If any of ye lads on here think Tommy Walsh is a character and a good craic(which he is) take a listen to Eddie OConnors OTB interview.

The cunt is as mad as a box of frogs🤣


Will do thanks