Limerick v Kilkenny - All Ireland Final 2022 - The Hego final

I’d love for you to be right, but Cody has an extreme blind spot/cruel intention towards Richie I feel. Possibly more related to his work/profile than his hurling. Again, just a personal inkling.

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If Flanagan can get the first few balls in his hand he will wreck them

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He always starts inside, as Flanagan does, but we are set up to hit the space. We’ll only land a ball in on the edge of the square if one of the wing-forwards picks the ball up around the '65 and doesn’t shoot (as for his goals in the Tipp game).

Gillane can do it any way, that’s what makes him so good. His movement is top class, but Lawlor is a good back. Depends on the quality of ball, dried up in the second half against Galway after he had given Burke a bit of a runaround in the first half.


My suspicion is if gillane is being picked up by lawlor gillane will be moved out and they’ll look to isolate Flanagan on butler.

It’s the obvious move. Flanagan would have the aerial ability to trouble butler inside.

I just can’t see Cody letting lawlor get pulled on long diagonal runs by gillane with Flanagan left inside.

I strongly suspect butler will follow gillane initially and lawlor will hold his position at three.

Cafe Rose has very attractive waitresses and does a savage cajun chicken burger


Is it beside one of the Flannerys, it is?

The pessimism from the Limericks is a fright, they should be very bullish with that team, it’s hard to see this match being competitive for long
Cometh the hour etc

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I think he’d be off the panel years ago if Cody had a problem with him considering his injury history

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I think Kilkenny will win. Maybe Limerick will pull something out of nowhere but they haven’t been impressive all year really


I thought Cody was just going to let him rot away on the fringes of the panel, but the fact he has him in the 26 on the really big days shows he obviously has an underlying, grudging respect and feels he still might be of use.

I think it will be Lawlor on Gillane, Walsh on Flanagan and Butler on Mulcahy.

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Perhaps Gillane will pick up Walsh.


It’s actually not. Its on Roches Street just up from where Fine Wines is

Fixed that.

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Lots of yerra yerra-ing and wumming in here all week about injuries, besides Lynch of course, whose injury is obviously genuine.

Resorting to this shows a frail mind and weakness amongst Limerick fans. You obviously fear and have an inferiority complex of the Cats. Rightly so imho.


Murphy, Lawlor, Deegan, TJ and Mullen/Cody for Mulcahy would be about it.

Welcome. How many points did you get in the Leaving?


Very good article there from Derek.


Wait a couple of years for him to do it first…

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John Donnelly not being 100% with his health this year (and probably last season) is as significant to the outcome tomorrow as CL being missing for the Treaty.