Lionel Andres Messi

I wasn’t on about husband of the year.


He held Barcelona to a ransom too and basically bankrupt the club.

You’d wonder what it’s all about. He’s a massive amount of money invested in property in Milan and Miami too.

A really greedy cunt.

He’s paying off the Argentinian national debt. A hero.

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He didn’t seem to have much attachment or love for Argentina until recently. He wasn’t loved like one would expect by the fans either until recently.

He left very young for Barcelona and I guess the under performances for Argentina didn’t help.

He’s the face of sports washing now anyway. You can’t really keep politics out of sport but it’s terrible the best footballer of all time is so closely aligned to such horrible regimes.


Wearing that fucking cape when lifting the cup will turn a few against him. Rightly so too.

Apparently he’s on the autistic spectrum so you should stop trying to impose neurotypical norms on him. Undoubtedly the greatest sportsman of all time though

I’m not sure it’ll matter a jot to be honest but a man of integrity would have binned it. He’s married into that murderous regime now so he has to toe the line doesn’t he.

Nightie it looked like, something in a carry on film

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We all partied

A fine set of vestments

He’s an aspie alright.

He was only embracing the local Islamic culture. A bit of religious tolerance and respect .


Simply the best to ever do it

And afraid he’d have no arms left to lift the cup if he took it off.
In fairness, it was a great bit of shithousery from the sheikh, who looked like he was having a fine time.

For the greatest comb over in soccer history?


A thing of beauty.

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Head off FOTF Johnny Bog