LITDFer Post-Restriction Meltdown Log Thread

Doesn’t irk me at all mate. The fact that Sweden has done much better than countries who had really strict and prolonged lockdowns just blows the lockdown argument out of the water though and it is very amusing to see the mental gymnastics to never ever acknowledge this. Even though it has been put to you about 50 times :smiley:

Anyway I’m out, trying to avoid these circular covid arguments for the last few months, I don’t think anyone will be changing their positions at this stage.

But you are the one ignoring fatalities. According to you the US, the UK and Sweden “let it rip” and paid the price with higher fatalities, compared to countries that had more strict lockdowns.

Except a dog with a mallet up it’s arse can see how wrong you are. The UK has had 225 deaths per 100K, Sweden has had 153. According to you these fatality rates are due to “letting it rip”.

Here are the countries that according to World in Data had the strictest lockdowns in Europe, and their fatality rates: Bulgaria 478, Hungary 426, Czech 345, Croatia 331, Slovakia 324, Romania 313, Poland 275, Belgium 247 and Italy 238. All higher than the UK, and most higher than the US.

Can you explain this to us, without resorting to New Zealand.

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I never knew your father passed away @Cheasty, sorry for your loss pal


This is the first thread about covid on this forum I’ve properly read.

Some of the shit that has been posted is hilarious and ridiculous in equal measures. Lads have become so entrenched in their position that they can’t see the wood from the trees.

Fuck it lads, we’ve just lived through (hopefully we’re coming towards then end) our first and, god willing, only global pandemic we’ll ever experience yet some of you think the powers that be have some sort of handbook they should follow to get us through this.

The reality is they’ve been making it up as they go along, and that’s ok with me because we’ve never been here before. Sure mistakes have been made but I believe (for the most part) the best intentions of the public were at heart.

Let’s just be happy that it looks like we’re returning to normality


He repeats this narrative but it’s a nonsense. They thought about herd immunity for a few weeks but the majority of their deaths came in Winter 2021 when they were trying the same restrictions as everyone else.

Yup. They certainly had.