LITDFer Post-Restriction Meltdown Log Thread

Keep swinging, there’s fighting to be fought yet I suppose!

The tfk LIDTF crew don’t need that. It should be reserved for nphet rte and ffg. The lads only agreed with and argued the position on an online forum but shouldn’t be held responsible to the same degree. I think they were entitled to the rights to believe in the way they wanted covid to be dealt with, I disagree with them but it’s history now. I’m not going to hold gruges with fellas over a difference I opinion on the Internet.

But offical ireland needs to answer questions. Political figures, the media, academics etc


:grinning::grinning::grinning: Stage 5 etc etc

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Now you’re talking… They’ve been the enemy from day 1 but lads needed a target they could lash out at in their place.

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They turned us all against each other. I’d be worried of all agreed with each other throughout this, healthy disagreement on both sides. But that was not reflective in media and politics. It turned very dirty and very concerning on how one side branded anyone who asked questions or disagreed.

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If stage 5 is highlighting idiots pretending to care about an old dear waiting on a hip replacement in 2022 while not giving a fuck if she got Covid back in 2020 then yep, I’m stage 5.

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It’s going to be tough for lads to pivot back to pretending they care about their elderly relatives having to endure long waits in hospital again.

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You have this strange notion, that you articulate through your posts, that you alone see issues for the elderly or have older vulnerable relatives. Trying to minimise hip replacements is an odd tactic but fits into how you want to trivialise an issue raised by others when the truth of the matter is that your primary motivation has been personal fear throughout .

The criticism in 2020 was not that hospitals were moved to emergency measures in the face of Covid, it was that this persisted far beyond what was necessary- with “social distancing” and Covid tests impeding other care well into the summer of 2020. This was an issue acknowledged by the government and NPHET from autumn 2020 and was not something I would not have highlighted afterwards. It was one of the main pillars that NPHET built their advice from.

The second issue raised on hospitals was poor infection control,
something highlighted by Jack Lambert in September 2020.

For whatever reason, the focus from passive supporters or lockdowns to hard lockdowners in Autumn 2020 remained on airplanes, pubs and schools.


Very unfair to suggest that personal fear was anybodys motivation (anybody here) throughout this.
Like saying that the other crowd are granny killers, new material needed.

I’m laughing reading these threads today as many lads who’ve whined and moaned for 23 months are claiming a victory :grinning:

Omicron ended it, nothing else, nobody saw it coming


I mean that is just not true. The actual clever people were saying that the vaccine was very unlikely to be made redundant by Omicron. In fact both Whitty and Bell in the U.K. suggested this within days.

I doubt it’s the end either, there’ll be another variant.


Actually fair enough with Mike. His stated motivation on here was his delight that he didn’t have to go into the office.


Well that’s the official narrative. The usual suspects will buy it.

What about the places that ended the nonsense long before omicron arrived?

I think to be fair that his point may have been tied to NPHET seeing an end point. They have effectively given up on the idea that they can control or suppress Covid infections which was the plan until October and then also the plan with Delta + Boosters from November until Omicron.

In that sense Omicron has “ended this” as the near entirety of measures are going.

But there were people in late November actually saying that Omicron would likely just lead to a runny nose for most people if vaccinated and it could be a blessing.

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People like your good self wanted to believe that Irish hospitals could carry on as normal while Covid spread in the community showed a stubborn refusal to accept the reality of the first two variants. You and your ilk conveniently forget the carnage that happened in Italian, Spanish and Indian hospitals. Idiots like Sunetra Gupta will be out now whining about the consequences of restrictions.

Like you, she will blame governments, health professionals and the general population who agreed with restrictions while ignoring the actual problem itself, a virus that killed millions. They will also ignore the millions of lives saved because of restrictions and vaccines. I will always point out the absolute hypocrisy of someone pretending to care about someone’s hip replacement when they couldn’t care less if they died from Covid.

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One of the things I didn’t understand about the OIUTFers was the idea that they knew better than every single healthcare manager on the planet, all of whom handled this in the same way (give or take a few minor differences like being allowed to visit with an antigen test in most countries).


I never said that was the case.

What I said was that when Ireland put in surge capacity including the provision in March 2020 of private hospitals that the system coped remarkably well. I never denied the need to cancel surgeries (this happens every year), I challenged the notion that the Irish health service was so bad that it couldn’t cope with a surge.

In terms of the real surge- when Ireland had “the most infections in the world” post Christmas 2020, the service again held up despite the onslaught. Again, I am not saying that this was not challenging, but it is what it is. Ireland were not air lifting patients like so many of the European health services we claim to aspire to.

Again on the “hip replacement” line you followed, that was the big criticism. We kept things closed in hospitals far longer than was necessary. And in terms of control groups- yes in the case of places with less mandates and restrictions the hospital curves also increased and decreased at remarkable similarity to places with hardcore restrictions.

Similarly with schools, the big issue was that Ireland ignored the rest of Europe (except for ironically, the U.K.) reopening in April and May 2020 and this was not justified. At that point, far too many people sat passively around accepting that but we also saw the growth of chaps like yourself who saw the good times of sunshine and flicking the mouse every few minutes and didn’t want to let that go.

Eh? There were remarkably different approaches globally.

Do you mean the Ivor Cummins types who completely minimised the virus (he did have some funny memes though tbf)?

You never considered the impact of vested interests?

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We saw this with @The_Most_Infamous last night. He said the whole thing was overegted. I asked if he thought the scenes of mass death were fake. He avoided the question about five times then said he doesn’t follow mainstream media. Basically he doesn’t live in the same reality as the rest of us, prefers to ignore facts and come up with his opinions based on nothing. I thought that only happened in America. TMI is a grand fella, mostly sound, I like talking with him about hurling, but I think that’s clearly daft. It’s a strange way to live in the world I think, but there it is, he chooses to believe what he wants to believe and ignore or not see anything else

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You got your arse handed to you by @TreatyStones IIRC.

You really are the forum’s Goebbels.