LITDFer Post-Restriction Meltdown Log Thread

A very odd performance, I agree

By fuck but you’re a slow learner. Put simply there was an established scientific response. It was abandoned on the basis of spin, panic and hysteria. A new plan was drawn up in 2 weeks. Every alleged expert who agreed now constitutes your cohort of “every single healthcare manager on the planet”. Everyone else was silenced, sacked or marginalised…except in the places were your parochial sense of obedience prevents you from looking and discussing

Most of us bought the narrative…some for a fortnight, some for two years…others will never regain their senses because they lack the natural resources or because of obstinacy or whatever

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one”

The NPIs didn’tdo anything much and what little they might have achieved was certainly outdone by the collateral damage your healthcare experts refuse to acknowledge.

If you don’t think it was a lie ask yourself why your experts and your media have studiously avoided any mention of any alternative approachtaken anywhere…sorry I forgot…you think science is unanimous, set in stone etc


The vaccine fascists are having a forum think @tank on how to spin this.

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You are a bigger eejit to entertain these fools. They were wrong all the way along. Entirely wrong. Some of them were prating ‘Done with Covid!’ In the summer of 2020. They sneered and jeered about ‘variants’ when the phenomenon first hoved but now applaud Omicron as their saviour. They are that stupid, that hypocritical; that childish. I would not send them to buy a pint of milk. Their childish egotism means they are incapable of learning – one reason why none of them ever got into Harvard.

Stephen Donnelly et al are insufferable incompetent twerps. But the reality is that common sense and imperfect gradualism, aided by vaccines, held sway. You still have nutjobs here – inverted utopian kind or just plain speak your weight stupid kind – saying the vaccines do not work. The vaccines work, in any sensible use of the term, and the idea that Ivermectin could have done the same job is, well, for the dodos, since Ivermectin was supposed, on best scenario, to treat infection rather than prevent infection. The so called OIUTF cohort never had anything to recommend other than ‘let pretty much everyone get the virus’. They are that stupid, that hypocritical, that childish. That stupid.

They are a combination of people lobotomized by right wing ideology, cranks obsessed with conspiracy theories (suspicion is ever the stupid person’s attempt at intelligence) and personality alibi-seeking gobshites.

I, among a few others, was right. They were wrong, all the way along. History now proves it.


Anyway, more here.


That woman is mentally ill an should be institutionalised


“Covid nuts” as the author describes was a position derived from her privilege. Seems to be genuine PTSD for many people. Herself and her husband are one thing- but I wonder how the kids will turn out.


She is Covid Gemma.


This one below was supposed to be in China back in March 2020. It was widely shared at the time.

Some of the Italian photos were definitely fake as well.

In that sense I felt the virus was overegged at the time.

Proof re Italy below also


You’re still avoiding my question and only believing what you want to believe. It’s genuinely a bizarre way to live in the world I think, but each to their own as long as they’re not harming anyone.

A friend of mine’s (cc Fluvio) siblings carried on like this. His sister and sister in law mainly, ruthlessly enforced a family bubble whereby the rest of the family were not allowed go to a bar or meet anyone outside the family, if they did they were locked out for two weeks. Really mad stuff.

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Each to their own mate. I’d agree with you on a lot of things. Covid not so much. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I’m just hoping we’re getting closer to getting back to pre pandemic life now.

Some lads can’t take a beating at all, it’s very unbecoming.

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Not when you ignore facts you’re not, no.

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You inner fascist coming out again.

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@Rocko can this thread be kept to providing amusing screenshots of loons on twitter or other social media outlets freaking out over restrictions lifting please.

Or maybe a 30 minute posting rule also, if it descends into another never ending debate like the other covid thread did.


Why can @goebbelsagusban drop the fascism?

This was it’s original purpose and I didn’t intend for the piling onto @Cheasty last night.

You need to step up here and mark a few cards.