Liverpool FC 2014/15

You seem quite obsessed with Mario, @Il Bomber Destro

A reprehensible individual.

The teams problem seems to be attitude. Last year you had Suarez willing to win at all costs that went right through the team. No one plays with his passion or belief.

There are no leaders in the team.

[QUOTE=ā€œcount of monte cristo, post: 1025791, member: 348ā€]The teams problem seems to be attitude. Last year you had Suarez willing to win at all costs that went right through the team. No one plays with his passion or belief.

There are no leaders in the team.[/QUOTE]


Balotelli is an anti-leader, heā€™s a major problem in any team and has been nothing but trouble wherever he has been. He managed to trick people into the sympathy card for a good while but that has grown tired now and in Italy he had burnt all his bridges with those who did everything in their power for him. The final straw with him was the Prandelli incident after the World Cup exit, a manager who had done everything for him, who had carried a whole world of pressure and taken serious flak for his trust in Balotelli and when it ended badly Balotelli was throwing a strop at being substituted and was the only squad member who didnā€™t stick around when he was saying his farewell. A spoiled pup, his allegations against Totti were absolutely ghastly as well.

Its an inherent Italian trait to dislike rappers.

Balotelli is a lazy cunt and couldnā€™t give a fuck. You would think that by now the dumb cunt would have copped onto the fact that he needs to start performing.

I always thought in the summer we needed 2 class central defenders and a class midfielder. In saying that so far this season we have been shite from the goal keeper to the forwards.

Roy Hodgson running the shit out of Daniel Sturridge in training the day after an England match hasnā€™t helped matters either.

We are fucked if the last few games are anything to go by. Lallana and possibly Moreno are the only new signings who havenā€™t looked like utter dogshit so far. Getting Sturridge back playing is vital if the season isnā€™t going to go down the pan before Christmas. Real possibility that we will be hosting Basle on the back of 3 defeats in a row in the CL. We miss you King Luis.

[QUOTE=ā€œtazdedub, post: 1025807, member: 312ā€]Balotelli is a lazy cunt and couldnā€™t give a fuck.
He was far from lazy last night

He used to love him once, a long long time ago.

[QUOTE=ā€œIl Bomber Destro, post: 1025773, member: 2533ā€]Carragher with another scathing attack on Balotelli on the back of last nightā€™s performance. Balotelli has a very long track record now of failing coaches who have invested faith and trust in him. He is a toxic presence in any team, he is as self absorbed and egotistical as you can come across and for far too much of his career many managers have failed to show him the proper discipline needed.

I get a little bit irked when I hear the comparisons with Cassano and Balotelli in Italy, they are polar opposites in character. Cassano genuinely was crazy and impulsive (in the Di Canio mould but worse) and could fly off the handle with all sorts of diatribes at a moments notice and really fuck things up for himself, as his career has progressed he has become better able to manage this. Balotelli is more someone who is not crazy, he is just self-absorbed, loves the limelight and arrogant, their approach to games is completely different - Cassano may not always have been in the best physical shape he could have but he always played with an infectious enthusiasm of a young child, he played like someone who enjoyed football who wanted to get on the ball and create things. Balotelli looks like he doesnā€™t give a fuck, he stands there motionless, sulks around with his hands up in the air, gives stupid fouls away and picks up silly bookings - heā€™s never a guy who you want in the trenches as he gives up without a fight.

To put it simply a great manager wouldnā€™t tolerate him, he has talent both in a technical and physical nature but heā€™s not a team player. A striker has to move, Balotelli does not, he doesnā€™t create space for himself or his team, this is above him. Itā€™s not long now until he will start to play the victim card again, fail to acknowledge that his poor performances are down to his laziness and ego and instead blame other factor. I canā€™t ever see him get back into the Italy setup again with Conte in charge and I for one am glad of that. If Rodgers has any sense then he will freeze him out for the next couple of months and make it abundantly clear that his mentality has to change, too many managers have indulged his poisonous attitude for too long and the penny needs to drop.[/QUOTE]

Dead right here Bomber for the most part but Liverpoolā€™s problems donā€™t stem from him. That team has lost the belief, speed, and energy of last yearā€™s team as well it its best player. Sturridge is another huge loss at the moment. And Rodgers never fixed the defence at all. Huge season for Rodgers more than anyone. Going a little bit backwards would be ok, but dropping to sixth or seventh again could be dangerous in terms of the club and players believing in him.

Heā€™s Black, Italian and Funny.
Everything @Il Bomber Destro isnā€™t, but longs to be

Delightful goal by Adam Lallana there. Lovely turn, dribble, give and go and crisp left footed finish.

That Manquilo cunt is some charlatan

Foul a yard outside the box and a peno awarded :smiley:

Lead restored. Geordan Henderson



Oasis - Wonderwall

Just in from the game. Was over saying a proper farewell to Samaras.

Iā€™m too tired to give a detailed post but I will say this :

Mario Balotelli is hilarious

Adam Lallana is a very talented footballer

Liverpool canā€™t get Sturridge back quick enough

The West Brom fans are a terrific bunch and Iā€™ve been humming one of their songs for the past 7 hours