Liverpool FC 2015/2016

Text speak is prohibited on TFK, mate.

“You fucking clown” would have been appropriate but not your style above.


Post reported pudns. You are fucked now.


I tink u meen ur fked.

Really and truly. Wanted to have genuine comments about the game a and season. I get name called and labeled and I get reported. I hope your happy.

Wife going out with a few pals. Kids on Sleepover. Pub or home for this one lads?

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Home. You’ve enough drank.

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Tend to agree. But theres plenty of booze at home as well

Watch from the comfort and warmth of your own place.

Think I will

Don’t mind that cock-face Harry… He gives it big licks when Arsenal win and goes missing when they lose.


Lads lay off @pudns, it’s nice to finally have a Liverpool fan on the forum.

Afraid not. I like to get to anfield two or three times a year,subscribe to the Liverpool way and have always been a lifelong Liverpool supporter. Another name caller. Anyway lads enjoy the game wherever you are. If you treat fellow Liverpool supporters like this on a Liverpool thread,it truly is disappointing.

I said Harry was the cock faced Arsenal supporter, pal…unless Your real name is Harry?

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WTF does that even mean you headcase?


It’s a fanzine…

:smile: +1 Only weirdos come out with that kind of shit

Thanks for the name calling lads. Enjoy the game.

I’ll stand up for you pal, I’m kind of a big deal around here.

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We will smash them, pal.

A proper fan, great stuff. Welcome aboard, pal. Is Bent eke starting?