Liverpool FC 2015/2016

Caulker time

De Gea man of the match? Who played well?

The worse Manchester United team in over 30 years has done the double over hapless Liverpool.


A pox on them*.

*I donā€™t know whether that refers to Liverpool or Manchester United.

Sakho was excellent and Toure is 34.

Iā€™m seething here

Sorry but a draw would have been unsatisfactory for me. I wanted one batch of you to be left seething.

Did we play well, pal? Must have if their keeper got MOTMā€¦ No fire power, that cunt sturridge needs to be lashed.

Must have because some gimp on Sky gave their keeper MOTM? Go away, you gowl.

Youā€™re grumpy because you stayed up late watching NFL, so Iā€™ll let that slideā€¦it was based more on the fact keepers rarely get MOTM, mate, so Liverpool must have applied some pressure.

It was a shite match. Liverpool had lots of huff and puff but created little.

De Gea got MOTM on the strength of one save from a Can shot from outside the box which he made look far more spectacular than it should have been.

They had one shot on target and scored from it. Rooney buried the rebound after Fellaini had hit the bar with a header from a corner - our defence were frozen to their spots.

We never looked like equalising once they scored.

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There were shit in the hour I watched, pal. Manchester United were worse but De Gea making one lucky enough save from Can early in the second half was about the size of it. I suspect the keeper was given MOTM due to the sheer rubbish on show outfield.

Fair enough, mateā€¦without having seen it I concur that both teams are utter dog shit.

Iā€™ve been saying this for ages but Adam Lallana is useless.

Sell him to Crystal Palace for Ā£6m.

Gordan Henderson is a sack of shit too.

Mate, just be patient with Klopp. Thereā€™s already gimps complaining that his percentage win rate this season is slightly inferior to Rodgersā€™ before he was sacked. They ignore the context of Rodgers building that squad and Klopp inheriting it. He needs to be given time to put his stamp on things - his success at Dortmund didnā€™t happen overnight and it took a couple of seasons before they were in tune to the way he wants to play with the type of players he wants too. COYR.

This is no time for patience. I want a manager who can win us the league within a month.

This should be obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes. I have no idea what the useless cunt brings to the team. He has the occasional nice touch, but does fuck all elseā€¦ i.e like scoring or assisting.
Firmino is a useless cunt too.

Iā€™m Zen, palā€¦I think heā€™ll do an outstanding job and Iā€™m sure he could have pushed for a panic buy this Jan if needed but heā€™s assessing what he has and lining his ducks up. If he can get a CB,CM and striker that can play his way then Liverpool will walk the double next year.

This is 2016, not 197fucking2, @Bandage would want to cop himself on.