Liverpool FC 2015/2016



Jonjo will win it for the Geordies

Amazingly held on… there are days where this Liverpool team just collapse when it is put up to them… battering a team for 45 mins and then going to sleep for the next 45…dirty trait to have.

Klopp knows what he’s doing. He’s making sure Pool drop enough points to keep away from the Europa spots. It’s Champions League for him next season or no trips to Europe.


If they won today they were 2 points behind Utd?

yeah, sure he’s only playing around. He knows they won’t catch Arsenal or City. Pool will pull up in the league in next few weeks and probably let Southampton pass them out to make sure they don’t have to play Europa. Don’t worry CM, Kloppo knows what he’s doing.

Shelvey is an awful player

'Av it, you kants*

*I have not verified the mathematical accuracy of this meme. I’m sure some pedantic cunt (CC @Sidney) will be along to correct me.


Ah FFS, is this what United and Liverpool fans have been reduced to :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

This is a monumental day that may bring @dodgy_keeper back into the fold.

Oh its a monumental day alright. The empire is in tatters.

After going to all that trouble to work out the number of days, you’d think the person who did that up would have at least known that Manchester United didn’t win the league in 1992.

Perhaps they didn’t see THAT game at Anfield when Michael Thomas scored THAT goal to kill off their challenge.

I liked the way @Chucks_Nwoko wrote phonetically in the true accent of the Manchester United fan - a London one.


Ah lovely.

All of Anfield singing “have you ever seen United win the league?” in 1992.

Heysel anniversary in a few weeks too. 39 innocent football fans went to a game and never came home.

Affinity with Juventus fans :clap:

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Look who’s crawled out from under a rock. Lost your tongue on Man U related matters in the near 5 months since early December when Man U were knocked off the top of the table and out of the European Cup by Wolfsburg in the space of a few days?

Even by the standards of Man U fans @dodgy_keeper brings the maxim ‘you only sing when you’re winning’ to a whole new level.


And thats what we know of.

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