Liverpool FC 2016/17/ Mousey's stag in Tipp town


Fuck you 2017, fuck you.

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Carragher is seething on co-commentary.

It’s ok, guys. I’m sure Klopp will have a refreshingly honest interview post match and throw a few good lines.

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Klopp Out


Lights are still on though chief. Hope

I’d like to see us poach a good, intelligent young manager who has a proven record of getting his teams to play free flowing attacking football, creates a good team spirit and has experience managing big clubs, preferably in the Premier League.

Somebody like Brendan Rodgers.

Can all KOKs please form an orderly queue and apologise for ever doubting me.


Everton could finish ahead of Liverpool at this rate.

Yet again @Nembo_Kid is vindicated.

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Jumpers for goalposts stuff at Goodison Park today.

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I’d be very disappointed in the Liverpool supporters if they don’t do the decent thing and apologise here, to a man,to @Nembo_Kid


Roy Keane always said that the Liverpool crowd were knowledgeable and appreciated great play (or insight) from all sides.
They’ll do the right thing when the time is right.
Now what exactly has been vindicated

Why would anyone be apologizing to Nembo? This all started 2 months ago when I said Liverpool have an average squad that couldn’t compete with Chelsea and said it would be a miracle if they finished within 10 points of Chelsea. I’ve been proved right on every account. At the time Nembo was shitting it Liverpool might overhaul Chelsea so he got all anti Klopp. I’ve been vindicated to a tee.

ps. How was the game? At a guess I’d say centre forward and centre back killed us again?

Holocaust denier.

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£7m a year Klopp has won 1 game in 10.

Yet no criticism.

Baffling. Did his post match interview compensate for the turgid form?

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Couldn’t tell you kid, I didn’t see the game. I’m sure the boys battled hard and Klopp will have them right for next week.