Liverpool FC 2016/17/ Mousey's stag in Tipp town

His problem is he’s not a pragmatist.

He plays one way, when they are fit in and in form it’s great to watch. However, it’s exhaustive, it’s unbalanced and they’ve ran out of the steam. He has made some bizarre decisions which has not being conducive to the way he wants to play, loaning out someone like Flanagan who would be decent cover was daft. Freezing Sakho out was daft given the defensive problems, getting rid of Skrtel and replacing him with Klavan with no tangible economic benefit was madness.

I think he’s been reticent to spend in case it heightens expectation, it’s an excuse for him to fall back on.

There’s no defending the defence though, regardless of personnel, they are a rabble back there and all over the shop - that falls down mainly to coaching. There’s a lot of confusion there.


That’s most opportune fixture scheduling for Liverpool. Man U corner turning 6 game winning streak after a misrebable run began with the visit of Spurs.

I can’t really argue with any of that

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Can has lost interest. There was one point today where the ball dropped between himself and Lucas and while both hesitated a Hull player snuck in to cause confusion and create a good opportunity. While Lucas ran around like a headless chicken at least he tried to make up for it. Can just looked on as the attack developed and jogged on the stop a little bit to make it look like he was interested.

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The sooner he’s shipped out the better…offers absolutely nothing imo.

Need to sort out the keeper situatuon as well…the board will have to give Klopp big money in the summer.

Liverpool run longer distances per game than any other team in the league. That’s alright in September and October when players are fresh but I’m very sceptical of it being sustainable over a whole season, especially in England. Maybe it is in Germany with a 34 game season, a winter break and the football being not quite as physical. But it’s blatantly obvious what’s happened here. The team has tanked because they’re knackered.

Marcelo Bielsa whose teams play a similar style to Klopp always had a problem with his teams tanking about two-thirds of the way through a season and that was in France and Spain.

What’s clear is that Liverpool are going to have to vastly expand the squad if they want to play this way because it just isn’t sustainable with a small squad.

I really don’t know why Joe Allen was let go. His absence has been badly felt over the last month.

Fuck off you gimps. Klopp’s a cunt. Conte’s a cunt. I just got engaged. … I may be half steamed.


Aboy da kid.


Game over.

You can’t be happy forever.


What lovely news. Congratulations, old pal.


Well done mate. What are doing on here the night of your engagement?


Congrats mate…great news.

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I had a rather vivid dream last night that I was getting married and did a runner on the morning of the wedding.

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congrats mousey

the ELC will be seething

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Congrats cm

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Her sisters have taken over and I’m taking a breather. I’ve 5 different alcoholic beverages on the go here

Hello sis, welcome to the forum.


Great news, pal :clap:

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Were you shocked when she asked? :upside_down: