Liverpool FC 2021/22

Shut your negative mouth you fucking fuck

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Ings will make us sing

Stevie has to do the honourable thing & play the kids Thursday.


With the added benefit of keeping Burnley up and potentially putting Everton under pressure. He’ll probably be under pressure himself to put out a few first teamers for the last home game of the season.

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You’re safe. Breathe.

A very special club.

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It’s a sad day in the @Fran household today, it’s like there’s been a death in the family

Farewell sweet prince.

Football without Origi means nothing.

Just the 8 wins in a row for Man City against Villa. Villa due a result on the law of averages?:eyes:

Eamonn Dunphy pilling the pressure on City there on radio 1 and generally shooting the breeze.

Forget about it Tyrone Mings did not fuck up last night so the law of averages says he’s due 2 on Sunday.

When you love someone you have to set them free

One last dance May 28th sweet prince

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I still remember the first time I saw him play. 2014 World Cup: Belgium 1-0 Russia (Divock Origi 90). Even back then he was clutch.

Villa can’t be feeling all that well disposed towards Liverpool after the ill advised booing of the Duke of Cambridge at the Empire Stadium last Saturday. I’d say there’s every chance that Villa will just roll over and let Citeh do as they please.

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Do not go gentle into that Italian night Divock

I sense one last clutch moment from Divvy

They’re in recovery mode after last night. Less than 72 hours recovery for the final game of the season seems somewhat unfair but the scheduling had to be fitted in around the FA Cup final on Saturday and the Europa League final on Wednesday. Coach Gerrard hasn’t complained though as many of his peers would do in such a scenario.

Phil Countinho and Ingsy didn’t start midweek
Stevie G knows what his mission is

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No chance they’ll throw it up on a big screen in Thurles?

Dunphy’s in lockdown and he’s not coming out for anyone or anything bar the racing post by the sounds of it :joy: