Liverpool FC 2021/22


Like any normal human being with a sense of right and wrong I hate Liverpool. I hate their fans and this victim mentality they bring to everything, airbrushing the many, MANY scumbaggy and downright atrocious things they do from their history whilst simultaneously screeching about justice. Peddling left wing values whilst being run by an American hedge fund. Giving it the poor mouth whilst loading the team up with record signings. Etc. Etc

BUT, I must say, whilst I sipped on my fourth pint of Sam Adams summer ale in Phebe’s, NYC and watched both games on the excellent double TV setup, it dawned on me that I actually wanted Liverpool to win the title. As much as they are cunts and, by God, they are, they are where they are on merit. They are well run, they play an unreal brand of football, have some genuinely exciting players and have the best manager on earth. I mean, look at the points totals. Look at all they’ve won this year. They’d have the league title won in April most years.
By contrast, Man City are a championship club who would be doing well to match Crystal Palace had some oil zillionaire decided to throw his money at an NFL team instead. They are soulless (Christ I’m actually sounding like a Liverpool cunt here),reducing football to a financial equation, copying what worked for an actual great club in Barcelona and enhancing it with a blank cheque.
When Klopp eventually leaves , or runs out of steam, the Premier League will be reduced to a money fight between City and their even richer foes in Saudi FC.


Welcome aboard mate.


you cunt

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So it was fine when Barcelona, Real Madrid and Man United spend millions and distorded the market but any other club with some ambition can’t do the same? I doubt Liverpool and Chelsea’s American owners are squeaky clean. Real Madrid are bankrolled by the Spanish state, Barcelona went bust, some examples.

Sportswashing is vile.

@batigol you can have @mikehunt’s lucky seat at the Ratoath Inn Saturday. Mike will be over in Paris representing the Supporter’s Club


EPL footix giving out about money in football

I got as far as the first paragraph and liked your post I then scrolled up to read the second paragraph and unliked your post.


City with Haaland probably romp to another title next year. Hard to see any other challengers but Liverpool but that team is pushing on now.

The tears of the united fangirls are delicious.

United are cunts too mate. And useless cunts at that.

I couldn’t give a fuck about an English football team

That’s exactly what I would expect a fella who worshiped giggsy, bex, keano, ferdz et al to say nowadays


Old Money beats New Money every time.

Wait until Divock arrives at the Ratoath Inn to receive his carriage clock.

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Divock Big Clock

I’d agree with most of that but still wanted Citeh to win it came to it even as a villa fan. I think the fact their fanbase is all in Manchester means they’re not in your face as much

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My girls have had this on repeat all week