Liverpool FC 2021/22

They discussed it quite a lot on 5live before the match last night

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Back safe and sound guys. Despite much provocation Liverpool fans behaved themselves. Obvious anti Brexit vibe which you’d have a grudging respect for if they chose a club that didn’t boo gstq. Long season took it’s toll. No matter,we’ll go again next season.


Nice pics :rofl: I’d say you had a few on board at that stage. Did you find a vantage point to perch yourself on or something?

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It’s quite amusing that the reason seems beyond lads’ comprehension here.

Next yis’ll be asking why it was Catholics who got shot on Bloody Sunday and not Protestants.

I’m scared shitless of heights usually but there’s just something about being an LFC fan that elevates us to places we never thought possible. Had the schtuff in too, to be fair.

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Liverpool fans off their faces on drugs



WOW!!! Just wow!!!

The day after they nearly had the CL final abandoned due to ticketless fans rushing the stadium “robbo” comes out with this?

A very special club :heart_eyes:


Very interesting interview with Conor Moore the comedian on OTB. He was in Paris last night for the game and applauded the actions of the Liverpool fans in helping to protect one another. He questioned the reports UEFA were circulating. Good to have the insight from an Irish Red who was over there for the big one.

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A phenomenal bunch. They deserved that.

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The madrid fans had no problems mate.

Its never your fault


I listened to it myself. A shambles from the French.


They deserve all of it. The effort this year has been from them, what a bunch. Liverpool supporters are extremely lucky to have them

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The French are useless.
Cheese eating surrender monkeys

Delete that. This thread is no place for facts or eye witness accounts.

It’s almost beyond belief and absolutely incredible what those fans did today. Standing at the side of a road and cheering as a bus drove by shows what a phenomenal bunch of human beings they are and I’d say the feeling it gave that special group of players was difficult to comprehend. #magnificent