Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

Jimmy has had a great campaign.

Jimmy was acquired on a free transfer wasnt he?

agreed,shameful stuff

Sean is originally from Clondalkin, apparently, but living in Dunboyne. Served for three years as chairman of St. Peter’s GAA club until 2016.

This is not just an attack on all GAA-loving Liverpool fans from West Dublin, it’s an attack on all of us.

They have attacked our brother.

Yes, another savvy purchase from the Liverpool transfer committee who continue to keep the net spend so low

“Liverpool fan”

deary me


Well if he’s so keen to play in Italy, he can surely tog out next week

Jonathan Norcoft witnessed it, he was on Sean o rourke. An innocent man artacked in a cowardly hit and run with belt buckles. He was singled out as he appeared to be on his own and old. He may die.
I think certain posters ought to think hard on what’s appropriate in wum terms.


A belt? :smile:

Sure I’m always fight with Lazio fans with belts. The lad from Joyce’s in Knocknacarra always uses one in fights.

Always the victim, never their fault


It’s very early in the day for “the cloak” to be descending on lads.

Can any of our Italian members share what their papers are saying today?

The man was minding his business and an unprovoked attack could leave him with brain damage if he lives … Took a wallop off the concrete after the initial punch.

EDF should have changed to a back 4 sooner.

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took a belt and was so drunk he fell over and hit his head

liverpool using it as an opportunity to ‘get one back’ so to speak in terms of victims, so thats liverpool 1 victim, and italy 39


You’re surely a big fan of the Ra with this rationale?

Oh look, we have ourselves an “edgelord”.

The Merseyside police are some fuck ups
Let the city bus be attacked & now allowing the LFC fans to get so near the Roma fans.