Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

Klopp fired his shaggy haired #2 Zeljko Kuvac today according to FotF Duncan Castles. A 17-year partnership across various clubs has ended.

“Citing “club sources”, Duncan Castles, an infamously unreliable journalist and José Mourinho apologist, writes”

It’ll be great to see all those English “ultras,” running amok in Russia.

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They might go to Rome as an alternative to Russia.

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The cops lost the Roma group that attacked the fans. A larger group of 200 were policed and controlled from the docks but 50 turned up at the train station and were never picked up.

Plod couldn’t handle a few ultras


If this club AS Roma that you identify with didn’t have such a scumbag element in their support and their ‘fans’ could attend a match in a law abiding manner without glassing or stabbing rival supporters, we wouldn’t be in this position.

Gone for the rest of the season for personal reasons but his position isn’t affected. You’d wonder who’s feeding Duncan Castles inside info.

Castles made of sand
Drifts into the sea

looks like liverpool have learned form the jen chang experience and are now using castles as a useful idiot. this will be shown during the transfer window when hes given a list of distraction targets which allows kloppo to go aftr what he really wants.

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There’s a fella on twitter who everytime castles tweets he immediately replies “your wife cheats on you”. It’s remarkable how much these journos get under lads skin. I followed this lad from Galway on twitter and he’s absolutely obsessed with transfer targets. He spends all day every day talking about who Liverpool could sign. He seems to get more enjoyment out of actual transfers than the game its self.

DuncanJenkinsFC > Duncan Castles

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they were attacked , they responded

Sean Cox didn’t attack anyone, he was standing there minding his own business and these Roma scumbags set on him. These animals shouldn’t have been let out of Italy. Glassing and stabbing is all a great laugh to these brave ‘ultras’ until someone gets killed or seriously injured.

nonsense, when Italians are attacked they run away.


how do you know what happened?

I saw videos and have read a Roma ultra sights- more sinned against than sinned imho

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You never see anything wrong with the actions of football clubs/‘fans’ of team you support.

In your world, Chelsea were to be commended for covering up for a rapist/paedophile employee and trying to buy the silence of a victim.

In your world, West Ham supporters were within their rights after the Burnley game to invade the pitch, attack members of the Metropolitan police, female stewards and threaten members of the board.

You had no comment when Roma fans were audibly making monkey noises at their former player Antonio Rudiger.

Now you’re telling us that Roma ‘ultras’ with a proven track record of glassings and stabbings were more sinned against than sinning in Liverpool last Tuesday when a 53 year old Liverpool fan, Sean Cox (who its widely reported was minding his own business and not involved in any anti-social or criminal behaviour) ends up in hospital in a coma fighting for his life after getting attacked by Roma fans.

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LFC have a worse record mate

Spurs were awarded more penalties in ten minutes than Liverpool have been awarded in 17 games at Anfield this season. Even allowing for Liverpool’s lack of attacking intent this just seems ludicrous.

Dark forces are out to stop us, all of which gives me horrible feeling that season will implode - UEFA probably want Italian team in the final.
Must check out who ref is do I can further add to my theories