Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

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Looks like some ‘fans’ are going to meet fire with fire in Rome. You’d want your head examined to be going to this.

Fears grow for Liverpool Fans
Sunday Times, 29 April 2018
Jonathan Northcroft, Football Correspodent

Fears for the safety of Liverpool supporters in Rome intensified following claims by Italian police that “English ultras” are ready to team up with far-right Lazio thugs in advance of Wednesday’s Champions League tie. Behind the claims are Italia Celere (the Union of Italian State Police) whose representative, Andrea Cecchini, blamed British authorities for the violence last Tuesday that left a 53-year old Liverpool fan from Co. Meath, Sean Cox, fighting for his life.

Quoted in Il Tempo newspaper, in an article headlined “Help!” - replete with a graphic of the famous Beatles album cover amended so the fans are wielding weapons - Cecchini said the likelihood of Liverpool and Lazio fans combining to cause trouble was significant.

Liverpool have been invited to train at Lazio’s training ground, prompting Cecchini to claim “there is the genius idea of getting the Reds to train at Fermello, only fuelling a possible union of Liverpool and Lazio ultras. We have the arrival of at least 1,000 English ultras, and considering the Lazio fans have in the past already twinned with violent fans from the Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland, the risk of a new alliance is very high.”

The claims have stunned Liverpool. Not one single supporter has been arrested on a Champions League trip this season. Lazio’s ultras, meanwhile, are among the most feared in Italy and are notorious for their neo-Nazi leanings and violent tendncies. The club have also been frustrated in their efforts to secure important safety information, such as bus routes supporters can take to and from the stadium. They also want answers to general security questions and whether there will be a local alcohol ban. Despite repeated inquiries, the Italians are yet to reply to these issues.

I witnessed the attach on Sean Cox before Tuesday’s first leg. I was walking to Anfield’s media entrance when, to my left, in front of the Albert pub, the violence occurred. It was brutal and sudden and until court process runs its course, I should not write more: but what I saw is there in Wedenesday’s Times and on Twitter.

In 2007, on the way to a Champions League tie involving Manchester United, I was crossing the notorious Ponte Nenni, a short wide bridge leading to the Staido Olimpico. It has been the scene of ambushes on many visiting fans down the years and in, that moment, three United fans minding their own business were stalked by ultras with bottles up their sleeves. They chased the lads - and a fellow journalist - to the other end of the bridge where more ultras were waiting. My colleague was punched and fled into a busy road crossing.

Outside Anfield the police did arrive to aid Sean Cox - eventually. On and around the Ponte Nenni, in 2007, what struck me was the absence of any police, despite the long, grisly history of ultras attacking visiting fans. Many of the assaults involved stabbings. Liverpool advise only fans with tickets to travel this week and met with Roma officials on Friday to discuss safety procedures.

Italian bizzies are scousers mate. No fear for Liverpool fans.

Klopp fired his shaggy haired #2 Zeljko Kuvac today according to FotF Duncan Castles. A 17-year partnership across various clubs has ended.

“Citing “club sources”, Duncan Castles, an infamously unreliable journalist and José Mourinho apologist, writes”

It’ll be great to see all those English “ultras,” running amok in Russia.

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They might go to Rome as an alternative to Russia.

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The cops lost the Roma group that attacked the fans. A larger group of 200 were policed and controlled from the docks but 50 turned up at the train station and were never picked up.

Plod couldn’t handle a few ultras


If this club AS Roma that you identify with didn’t have such a scumbag element in their support and their ‘fans’ could attend a match in a law abiding manner without glassing or stabbing rival supporters, we wouldn’t be in this position.

Gone for the rest of the season for personal reasons but his position isn’t affected. You’d wonder who’s feeding Duncan Castles inside info.

Castles made of sand
Drifts into the sea

looks like liverpool have learned form the jen chang experience and are now using castles as a useful idiot. this will be shown during the transfer window when hes given a list of distraction targets which allows kloppo to go aftr what he really wants.

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There’s a fella on twitter who everytime castles tweets he immediately replies “your wife cheats on you”. It’s remarkable how much these journos get under lads skin. I followed this lad from Galway on twitter and he’s absolutely obsessed with transfer targets. He spends all day every day talking about who Liverpool could sign. He seems to get more enjoyment out of actual transfers than the game its self.

DuncanJenkinsFC > Duncan Castles

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they were attacked , they responded

Sean Cox didn’t attack anyone, he was standing there minding his own business and these Roma scumbags set on him. These animals shouldn’t have been let out of Italy. Glassing and stabbing is all a great laugh to these brave ‘ultras’ until someone gets killed or seriously injured.

nonsense, when Italians are attacked they run away.


how do you know what happened?

I saw videos and have read a Roma ultra sights- more sinned against than sinned imho

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