Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

whenever I think of roma ultras, I think of the brave sir robin from the holy grail


:rofl: that’s a cracker

Just the British louts that get a few deserved slaps.


The Rooskis softened their cough, sent them scurrying like the cowards they are.

20 Roma fans were attacked by 1000s of LFC fans and the LFC fans shat it


Mate Italian bizzies are socusers.


The cosmic forces are allinging against us.Ewan now kind of likes Liverpool.
This has added to my unease

Ewan knows… He’s backing the winning horse this time

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Italian partisanship is a very classy and dramatic business: Puncicate, Fiat’s darting through buses, long slender knives, burning pyres of scarves, losing captains shooting themselves in the chest, ambushes on bridges and a historical lineage going back to the roman empire. And every one of them dressed to perfection.
Liverpool have you’ll never walk alone for the millionth time. In a fake jersey under imitation leather.

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20 lads attacked a 50 year old minding his own business. Heroic stuff.


why are you sullying the reputation of a critically injured 100% innocent Irishman just for a troll on the internet? It’s painful to watch


I didn’t mention him mate, how could I Sully his reputation. I disagreed that 20 Roma fans attacked him

Didn’t you suggest that he went looking for trouble shortly after the news broke,
Look, have your fun but I find it an odd target, genuinely tough to read

I suggested the Liverpool fans were the aggressors

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You’re boring.

Looking back thinking that you could always rely on your friends
