Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

He’s already been convicted of violent disorder.

What of sort of jail time is he looking at for that violent disorder conviction? It’s a very serious crime. In Eire, I believe it carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Shocking to see contributors claiming vindication for this thug while an Irish man still lies in hospital fighting for his life.

5 years max in UK.

Yeah - quite shameful but sure it’s par for the course

Christ :confused:

Huh? He was set on by Liverpool fans on the way to the game, given what happened in the previous home tie for Liverpool its understandable the Roma fans came prepared.

If he was an English cricketer he’d have got off with self defence. What a sick justice system.

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He pleaded guilty to violent disorder. Didn’t even contest it. Fought the grecious bodily harm charge and was acquitted. It’s the best justice system in the world. You won’t get fairer than a British jury.

If he was an English cricketer he would have got off with it.

You’re hysterical now.

I’m just stating facts.

3 years for attempted murder? He got off lightly.

Out in a year.

Speculation. Wildly speculative.

Based on precedent.


What precedent have you got of someone pleading guilty to such a crime being found not guilty?

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Ben Stokes.

Caught bang to rights on CCTV.

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Ben Stokes didn’t plead guilty.

He was caught on CCTV committing the crime, it doesn’t matter what he pleaded, he was guilty as sin.