Liverpool Football Club 2017/18

Well I have to wonder why you keep questioning factual responses from me.

What is the difference between how they dealt with Suarez the first season he wanted to leave and Coutinho the first season he wanted to leave?

For clarity, 2013/14 is the first season that Luis Suarez wanted to leave Liverpool

You have nearly 100,000 posts on here mate, Iā€™d stay out of it if I was you


Thatā€™s a clamping.

The difference is that they sold Suarez to Barcelona.

They havenā€™t sold Coutinho to Barcelona and he remains a Liverpool player.

That is the difference.

Liverpool apparently sold Suarez but didnā€™t sell Coutinho.


And everyone golden.

Seriously I hadnā€™t read a post other than my good pal @Gmanā€™s, whatā€™s happened here


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Liverpool did not sell Luis Suarez ahead of the 2013/14 season. Youā€™re a holocaust denier

Very good.

Bumped for @Nembo_Kid

It feels like weā€™re going round in circles here. If you want to continue contending that Liverpool did not sell Suarez then be my guest but youā€™re wrong and clearly not open to correction when itā€™s obvious how wrong you are.

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I never said that. You are completely making that up. We are only going around in circles because you wonā€™t answer my very simple question

What is the difference between how they dealt with Suarez the first season he wanted to leave and Coutinho the first season he wanted to leave?

Go way to fuck?!?!

While I admire your persistence Iā€™d recommend that you let it go

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Indeed, the master debater :rofl: has dodged the question quite often enough, just hang out for a while till his entourage patronizes him a bit

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The barstoolers hate facts

Yeah, sure nembo was trying to tell me Suarez went to Barcelona before the 2013/14 season

55 new posts since I last checked in a couple of hours ago.

Nothing moves people like Liverpool Football Club.

Love us or hate us, you can never ignore us.

And there you are, Iā€™d say @Nembo_Kid wouldnā€™t make half the fool of himself if you didnā€™t encourage it, cruel really