Liverpool football Club 2019/20 - Champions

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face:


Absolutely humiliated. Still think they’re the best ever though.

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Disappointing night for the red men.
Had enough chances to win handily in normal time.
Best of luck to Cholo in the next round

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Milly, big Joe and Hendo didn’t get there unfortunately.

You fucking disaster of a human being.

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Not many mentions of ‘gini’ or ‘bobby’ or ‘robbo’ either

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I’m worried about your anger.
Have you tried meditation? Could be a game changer for you.

It’s quiet alright. Maybe too quiet?

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Liverpool lost that tie when they conceded after 4 minutes the first day. Allowed Madrid to play them on the counter for the rest to sit back and counter for the two rest of the games


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Upon reflection the lad who proclaimed them the best club side ever may need to reflect a little
Simeone appears to have sent klopp home with his tae in a mug

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I think someone mentioned this in the last few days but have Liverpool won one game this season that was in any way memorable? A very underwhelming season

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Comparisons to the Manchester Utd treble winning side of 99 were very premature it seems.

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we’ll take an underwhelming season like this most years. They’ve gone to the well a lot of times in Europe the last two years
 Very big ask to go all the way 3 years on the trot
 The team have been flat most of the the year
 Between the two CL runs, WC and African / copa America, there’s been a lot of football played. They badly need a summer off

Inane cliche ridden drivel


This time last year you’d have bitten their hand off for the league. Been a great season.Get a striker in the summer hopefully.


As an additional bonus liverpool shouldn’t have any trouble holding onto their best players in the summer.


You know you’re good when lads are celebrating when you lose a match