Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Yeah Neco Williams ahead of him in the pecking order now. Jota would be a great rotation option in the front 3.

10m for Hoever

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Some price for a lad who’s hardly played a senior game. Is there a buy back clause?

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Jota, Sarr or Dembele…

Mick Edwards will have one of them lined up. The other two will be used to lower the price of the one they want.

Half of Thiago’s transfer fee from the sale of Hoever! Water into wine…

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I’d rank them in terms of preference as 1. Dembele 2. Jota 3. Sarr

fifa 20 ratings would agree with you

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I think it’s going to be Jota. They’re not paying 35m for backup so Sarr won’t happen.

I’ll throw a curve ball in though. With Brewster probably going and maybe big Divock off (even on loan), I think there’s a chance of Dembele coming on loan as well as Jota IF Wijnaldum is going the opposite direction.

How much for Jota? Be a bargain if he cost less than €35 million.

Mick Edwards will probably give them Origi on loan and call it at 20 million.

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Jaysus, all the talk now is that Jota is pretty much a done deal for £35 million. Didn’t see that one coming to be honest.

Like when announced Fabinho completely out of the blue a couple of years ago.

They’re saying this one could be announced TONIGHT :grimacing:

A proper club. Does it’s business with minimum fuss.,



Brewster definitely off so you’d imagine.

I heard Jota turned down United.

Mike Edwards has the deal done before Woodward figures out how to load paper in the fax machine