Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

He is in the playground

For 2nd and 3rd place is it

Score now?


The Power Cube has looked decent in his recent cameos. He will surely be injured by next week


If there’s a god

Why would two teams at the top of the table play for 2nd and 3rd mate?

Brave display from the young lads out there given the impossible task they faced in the circumstances.

Kweev, Neco, Williams, Jones :clap:


I’m filling up

Because city will walk it

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Are you a bit slow tonight @Faldo?

They should have started walking sooner so.

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I hope so. Decent club

Villa’s first team would have won tonight … Liverpool seriously out of form

Most nights @Fran


He’s a bit slow every night

Catch up @balbec

He was faster than you tonight!

Edit: And me :eek:

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I don’t wait to the end of the thread to post. It looked to be too much of a tap in.

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