Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

You have to say ā€œNecoā€ out loud three times for @mickee321 to be summoned

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Heā€™s the only ā€œNecoā€ Iā€™ve ever heard of and there is another Williams on his team. Usage of his Christian name shouldnā€™t trigger a footix alert.


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Ah thats outstanding. Bustin it there.

You have to rap it out in your head in a John Barnes voice for full effect.

Barnesy was rapping bars

Barney needs a rap of an iron bar

As far as Manchester United sitting top of the table, I do think itā€™s a false position.

Burnley gave them a tough game but they came through it and showed a bit of resilience. There is a bit of team spirit coming at Manchester United.

But Ole hasnā€™t dealt with what other teams have dealt with, in terms of a lot of injuries this season. Heā€™s had a lot of players to pick fromā€¦

Come the end of the season, I think Liverpool and Manchester City will be fighting it out. I think Manchester United will drop off.

When you look at their results, when they have played the likes of RB Leipzig, Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City and Arsenal, they havenā€™t come through those games.

It just tells me, when the big occasion comes, can Manchester United actually do it?

Shots fired

Roy Keane?

City will win it out.

I wouldnā€™t be entirely surprised if the season is decided on goal difference

For 3m why not?

Iā€™d rather him there instead of Phillips and Williams.


Exactlyā€¦ Itā€™s a no brainer.



This needs work, Iā€™m thinking Pat Shortt in his role as Dan Clancy in Killinsakully.
Just try it there yourself, yerā€™ a smart buckā€¦
Envisage Jackieā€™s in the series and youā€™re in the Dan Clancy role, flanked by TSG and Barney Curleyā€¦

@balbec can reprise the Mrs.Gilhooley partā€¦

I have no idea what you are talking about grandpa

You lack imagination.

Jaxxie was a nawful man