Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

They should be building statues for Dyche.

Klopp needs to get Stephen Kenny in to show the lads how to score

Gonna watch an episode of The Wire to put me in a good mood after that dross :see_no_evil:

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Pound for pound he has achieved more as a manager than Klopp ever will

Thursday Night Football awaits Kloppo’s boys

Hopefully we finish top 4 and give the Champions League a good craic.

The Europa league beckons

Exactly. We’ve had great craic for the last three years. W good run in Europe and VVD back for the latter stages might give dome hope. Will surely get dumped out of the cup at the weekend

Null and void it’s only fair option now.

He is some cunt for giving away possession

That’s the issue right there. Robertson isn’t even doing the job right. Defenses are ready for it now.

We’re back to where we were before Van Dijk arrived in 2018 when a top 4 finish was a success in itself. It’s just been an unlucky season. On another night Origi and Salah score and we get the win.

Very predictable. No ideas when they reach the edge of the box.

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Klopp is in a state of hubris and it has infected the entire squad, he’s like Henry Shefflington in his twilight years arguing and sniping with the refs about every silly little thing. Its most unbecoming of a so called great coach

Thats half the problem in this country. Too many lads get worked up over a Brazilian, an Egyptian and a Senegalese trying to score a goal for Liverpool and another bunch of dullards hoping Manchester put the ball in the net. They get so worked up over it and yet it means didly squat.


I wonder how many times TAA lost possession tonight?

Burnley were only delighted to see the ball go down that side. If TAA gets it he will hit the first man or straight to the keeper, if Salah gets it he will turn inside on his left and run into someone or lift it aimlessly into the box. Why the fuck wouldn’t Salah take him on, use his right for a change, maybe win a pelanty.

I was seething a few minutes ago, but I’m ok now



But it’s alright to support rangers ?

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I’m a bit more zen now

Just visualising goals from last season

Breath out