Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Sweep sweep

Roma are a socialist club.

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Liverpool played Juventus that day

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Yes, the previous year the travelling fans were assaulted en masse which heightened tensions ahead of the following year according to scousers who were at Heysel. Tony Evans gives a good account of this “Our day of shame”


Yes, people who were there, and can give first hand accounts despite their bias.

Dont bother your bollix - this has been done a hundred times on here.

Let’s not disrespect the dead by making it about internet points like the other fellas do.

What about your bias. You’re blaming Heysel on Roma, because of hooliganism the year before. English football fans must have been angels back then were they? Never caused any hassle

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Fair enough. Irish supporters of British clubs like Liverpool, Man City and Glasgow Celtic know fuck all in the grand scheme of things do should probably refrain from commenting.

Celtic are Irish.

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Take the rest of the season off lads, come next September, we’ll fucking go again, YNWA.

The likes of TSG and Fulvio dont particularly like who they are as people. They make themselves feel better by bringing other people down. Dont fall into that trap. You seem like a really good guy - let it fly over your head.

I wasn’t trying to bring anybody down - I was responding to the Roma responsible for Heysel nugget. I don’t buy into the football super fandom bullshit

I’m very happy with myself. I think everyone else really needs to up their game.

I didnt include you - shur I know you in real life and a better man you wouldnt meet.

It’s time we stopped the rot on here. The self loathing has reached very worry heights. I’m 100% genuinely concerned for the mental health of a few posters.



the pity party needs to be stopped alright

It’s hard to see the season being completed at this rate. UEFA will demand the Euros go ahead.

Klopp knows it’s a farce. Lads believe his oul schtick of pretending to care.

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He’d have bought a centre back if he cared about the season. 4d chess