Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

In hindsight Iā€™m surprised that Nat Phillips was dropped for the last two matches. Practically did nothing wrong up to then in the games he played and didnā€™t represent another change of centre back partnership,

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Liverpool were mental to sack Rodgers.

Rodgers is doing a lovely job with Leicester.

Winning that league was the best thing to ever happen them.

I was thinking that at the time. Bizarre decision from the ref

Liverpool need to throw the big money at big pharma and get the blood bags back to the likes of Wijnaldum and Milner.

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Leicester won today with one centre half playing crocked, a right back playing at left back and a midfielder playing at right back.

The Tell Us Never lads would be holding a prayer service if their defence was anywhere near as patched up as that.


Maddison had a lovely cut at the Liverpool. Mentioned there was no moaning about injuries from them all season.


Robertson & Trent playing like Konchesky & Josemi.
I dunno what theyā€™re looking at when theyā€™re chipping crosses in for the sake of it.

Ox brings zero to the table anymore.

Tell Us More

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No panic. Everything will be fine.

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I think it might be time to panic mate

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Liverpool are an absolute shambles. Dreadful effort at defending a title. Their goalkeeper is being shown up for the joke that he is. And the constant moaning from their manager only adds to the disgrace that they are


Not at all. Iā€™m a footix. I know. Manchester United never panicked.

Itā€™s great that lads with very little else going on have Liverpool this year. Silver linings and all that.



Just spent the last hour tearing around the park playing tag, the head is cleared, all is good again

#tellusnever #wegoagain #thismeansmore


If it brings some comfort to people during difficult times then who are we to argue with that

The simpletonā€™s simpleton

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Really poor from Pool this season. I thought they would have defended the title a lot better than this. Certain media outlets asking last year was this the best team to win the Premier leagueā€¦ that looks very foolish now.

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Didnā€™t Brazilian keepers always have a reputation for being a bit dodgy?

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How are they a disgrace for losing a few matches? Were you equally outraged when Chelsea finished 10th as defending champions in 2015/16 and the players downed tools under Mourinho? What about Man Utd finishing 7th in 2013/14 as reigning champions when the players threw Moyes under the bus?