Liverpool Football Club - 2020/2021

Itā€™s not a World Championship but a trophy nonetheless

Jose was ran not long after winning that.

Itā€™s a kult.

They still havenā€™t received a nice chunk of money from the cuntino deal

Theyā€™ll end up giving us Messi


Ok mate not sure why you are talking about Man United they arenā€™t great. We are talking about probably the greatest team of all time here, the fabled 1 in a rowers who were assembled by the 2nd highest spending manager of all time.

You might reply quickly here Iā€™m getting too drunk/bored to continue this debate.



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The whole squad lined up arm in arm singing YNWA in front of the Kop after the 2019 Champions League semi-final was unreal. Lads here thinking the crowd donā€™t give the team any adrenaline rush at allšŸ˜…

Cant believe pool fans on here looking for Klopp to walk. If he was to leave Pool would be back being a midtable club. Jason McAtear is a Liverpool legendšŸ¤£

Who wants him to leave?

They also lined up arm in arm in front of the klopp after a plucky 2.2 draw at home to WBA.

It brought back great memories of the time they done it against West Brom


Lads already talking about the next managerā€¦ its shocking and disrespectful.

Are you some kind of retard? Itā€™s a bit of pantomime.

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All part of the memorable journey to become English, European and World Champions. A fine achievement after 1 trophy in 9 years prior to Jurgenā€™s arrival.

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The half a billion he spent did wonders