Liverpool Football Club 2022/23


Never heard of them

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Liverpool? @Thomas_Brady will fill you in

in the responses , i know the footix idolise this evans dude


“Journalist Tony Evans”.


Maggie Thatcher had a set against working class people and their pastimes so was just waiting to stick the boot in. Heysel gave her the ideal opportunity.

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A couple of things I’d say on this. I was three years of age at the time so am fairly removed from the context, but anyway…

  1. from the article, “One of the things that Peter Reid and Neville Southall got right [in the book] is they said that ‘the Heysel ban wasn’t really about football, it was an attack on working-class culture”. I think there’s an element of truth to this perhaps, but English hooliganism was out of control by mid 1980s. Part of this could be put down to the social decay or British society under an extremely conservative government and the corresponding rise of neoliberalismm

  2. This is no way excuses what happened at Heysel. There is little solace to the families who lost family members that 14 or 15 men were convicted of their deaths. The ban on Liverpool was absolutely right, because ultimately they are the football club and they have responsibility for their ‘supporters’. I think the extent of the ban on all English teams was too harsh, and really good Everton and Arsenal teams suffered as a result, as well as some of the others above. Of course, a great Liverpool team suffered too, but I think it was right that it affected the club as such. It is no way should be conflated with Hillsborough though, and people using the two events to suggest there was some sense of Liverpool fans deserving it (to lose their lives) is actually beyond sick.

  3. Evans is a loudmouth and a quite divisive figure amongst Liverpool supporters. I think he has some sort of PTSD (I’m not sure is it from Heysel or Hillsborough or both) but some of his behaviour over the years has been odd, if not incendiary. I wouldn’t be rushing to read anything from him.

  4. I stood outside Heysel when I was 17 without realising it initially. My sister lived in Brussels and we had gone near to it to watch a film or go to a shopping centre. It was strange that it wasn’t until I was there that I realised that was it. There was limited talk about it in the mid to late 90s. I think that was partially because the club was trying to deal with everything post Hillsborough. I also think it was because they were trying to bury a shameful part of their past/ didn’t know how to deal with it sensitively. I think this perhaps has improved as years gone on.

  5. I think people constantly using an absolutely horrific event of almost 40 years ago to score points on the INTERNET because of their dislike of a football team is bizarre, bordering on Footix behaviour. Likewise, terms like murderers, bin dippers, etc. But I also recognise that anything I’ve said above won’t make a jot of difference to people who’ve already made up their minds.


fucking hell, the quote used in the headline was actually from Neville Southall and Peter Reid. Tony Evans has been very vocal in his criticism of Liverpool fans over not accepting Heysel as a stain on the club and that if you support Liverpool you take good with the bad and its part of their history. He’s actually one of the biggest Liverpool supporting “journalists” who regularly talks about Heysel.

There was a policy of ‘managed decline’ of Liverpool in the 1980s by her government. Liverpool was a problem city for them, high unemployment and anti-social behaviour. Their response was let’s not put any money into the city, into education, regeneration, big projects and instead let it fall to shit. A policy I’m sure the big TFK capitalists would have got behind.


Christ above.

The comments are from Everton players. Can’t you read?

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the footix out in numbers defending the actions of Liverpool fans at Heysel i see


I think we need a “things @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy doesn’t do” thread because one of them is actually read articles or postings. The man has an agenda and will stick to it


the footix never not at it

The Everton 84 CWC team is one of the greatest of all time & I the LOI has always been shit

Heysel shouldn’t have hosted that final. If it was held in a proper stadium and policed properly no one would have died.

This was a really relevant footix anecdote :thinking:


There’s more to it than that. Liverpool City Council had come under the control of Militant Tendency and there was no way the Tories were going to throw money at a city where the money was going to be funneled into Trotskyite projects.

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Ifs and buts

Weren’t there gallant Gaels on here cheering on the Roma ultras who attacked Sean Cox?

Surely no cunt like that on TFK