Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

And if the Liverpool fans had behaved themselves, probably worth a mention in there too


Either @Funtime or @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy nominated him from COTY in 2018.

Edit: it was Funtime. TSG gave it the one like.

Must have been deaths at everyother match this Heysel place hosted before and after this match. Not just the match Liverpool played there…


the killing of Patrick Radcliffe never gets a mention here?

It’s got a good few mentions but it’s never been celebrated or made fun of.

3 or 4 mentions, not 1 Liverpool fan apologising for it

I apologise that loads of people I don’t know personally are responsible for murdering a man when I was three years old. That suffice?

Now, can we get an apology for you for the treatment of Sean Cox by members of this forum, including yourself, after he was viciously attacked?

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Derek Hatton

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i don’t think the forum benefits from this ‘who said what & when’ cycle of recriminations and accusations @caulifloweredneanderthal
we live in much different times now and things people may have said in 2018 may now seem dated or inappropriate when viewed through the lens of hindsight, further from the shadow of Hysel and the murder of Radcliffe.


He’s still listening to the French foreign minister

Spot on. Incredibly that has mever been mentioned before.

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Shocking if true.

Two votes in this house lost for the green party

Some great stuff here.

That Barmby goal was just after he’d signed from Everton. None of this not celebrating lark

I reckon it has, but you didnt seem to

COTY nominations do not require explanation, regardless of the nominee or the nominator. We had a fella here once who nominated Vicky Phelan for COTY.

Jesus Christ :man_facepalming:

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Very well said, the point scoring by the my shite smells better than yours self proclaimed footix slayers on here is truly bizarre.

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Afair, a load of money was robbed by a bad apple in charge of the council. He’s infamous. So infamous I can’t remember his name.

The following day UEFA official Gunter Schneider said: “Only the English fans were responsible. Of that there is no doubt.”

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher echoed this sentiment, saying “There are no words, there are no possible justifications; the blame is entirely for England.”

However Belgian judge Marina Coppieters published a report after an 18-month investigation in which she concluded that while English fans were culpable, the blame should be shared with Belgian police and authorities.

Lot of Maggie Thatcher fans on here it would appear.