Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

Liverpool fans were jailed mate

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Wether it was inevitable, which it was, is irrelevant. Liverpool fans were responsible… But what @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @StoneCold never mention is that many of those jailed were done so on the back of evidence given by many decent Liverpool fans there that night.


i always mention that mate


You’ll see it all on TFK.

I’m willing to give @Funtime the benefit of the doubt in that maybe he dealt with Sean Cox in a personal or business capacity before the attack in Liverpool and was nominating him for COTY off the back of that.

1 Whether.
2 It was on telly.
3. You’re right.
4. Liverpool shamefully appear to have collective amnesia as a club over what happened.
5. It might have happened if the Liverpool thugs intent on attacking the innocent bystanders who had gone there to watch a football match had been replaced by any other group of English football thugs, but they weren’t. It was Liverpool fans. It jars that the club is so vocal about Hillsborough yet so quiet about Heysel.

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I think it’s got slightly ‘better’ about talking about Heysel, perhaps because the current ownership are so removed from that time. For decades, I’d imagine it was the shame. That - and it wasn’t their battle to fight. Whatever stance they took would have been criticised, so they took a stance of silence for a long time (which was wrong).

The club’s battle was around justice for Hillsborough. That’s why they were so vocal. Juventus’s battle was around justice for their victims, which they got through the courts

Are you giving @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy the benefit of the doubt also? He’s been asked to apologise for his own comments and behaviour and instead he pulls up twitter comments that point to the behaviour of other Liverpool ‘supporters’, while never addressing his own failings.

PS well done @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on learning how to embed tweets again.

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Yes they served their time. The independent investigation concluded that the other guilty parties got away with it.

What did the journalist from the athletic write that upset Klopp so much?

The scoreline…


Thanks @StoneCold

I had no previous dealings with Sean cox.

If it was possible to nominate the wave of disproportionate idolisation and media framing of ‘Irish football fan’ Sean cox for COTY I would have done so, instead I nominate the man, for the offence that has caused people subsequently I want to express my regret.

In terms of Sean cox himself I know very little other than:

  • he travelled to England to watch ‘his’ football team
  • he frequented known hot spots for Liverpool hooligans
  • to the best of my knowledge he has never condemned what happened at hysel
  • he had drink taken on the evening in question
  • he was ( understandably ) pumped up for the game ahead
  • the people who harmed him have been imprisoned

I suppose @StoneCold what I’m trying to say is the modern world wants heros and villains, wants good guys and bad guys and for me the world is more like the curate’s egg.

I believe it’s time for all parties to move on


Some kick in the teeth for Carra…

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How so?

What’s the story Top Redz? Very quiet in here for a derby night. I came in early to soak up the atmosphere and it’s like a morgue…

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Most of the top redz are stuck in traffic. We may need to rethink Ratoath as our meeting point due to lack of active travel options.

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But what about Heysel?

Liverpool fans ran amok and got English teams banned from European competitions.

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