Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

The only thing backed up at Yanited in the last 10 years is Fergie’s car in his parking space at the training ground. Losing 7-0 to a transitional Liverpool team🤣

OMFG @Julio_Geordio is one of the cholesterol brothers!! Im guessing the weird fat young fella with the goatee.

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I wish I had that much hair

Liverpool 7 points behind a shit United team :rofl:

It’s the end of a team, that’s football.

It’s currently a team in transition and it shows with the up and down performances. They should be going to Bournemouth snd stuffing them tho - simply not acceptable.

WAAALK OOoooom…:heart::heart::heart::heart:


Walk home? Why? Have the liverpool fans attacked the bus again?

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Last weekend hurt a lot

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Hurt so bad that a few lads forgot their logins for a few hours

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This is tough on you mate. Youd so much hope after last week. You need Hendo like protection at the moment…

They thought they were back

My only solace in this dark moment is how buoyed you are by today’s result. A big return for you.


We dared to dream again.


This can be a big big big weekend for uniteds title challenge

Thruuuu the raaain

It’ll be long remembered after Milk Cups are forgotten.

Just been confirmed salahs penalty landed on the moon

It’ll take a long time for them to get over it, a long time…

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It just goes from bad to worse for Paddy footix and LFC