Liverpool Football Club 2022/23


Nunez has played about 15 good games you can’t mention him in the breadth of those other three.

You are taking this in your stride.


Here we go!!!


Julian is on his way over. FOTF and FORI (Friend of Ratoath Inn) Paul Joyce says Julian won’t stump up 68 million. He’s telling them it’s 60.

Julian meets Benfica in the middle.

64m is a good price for the best young footballer on the planet right now @Thomas_Brady

The Laptop Gurus have done it again. This will prove a steal in years to come.

We are some club.

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Every top player in world football wants to play for Coach Klopp


£35 million for Mane after 6 years service pays for half of it :clap::clap::clap:

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Is the laptop guru not gone?

There’s a new laptop guru in town called Julian.


Darwin will be worth 200m in 2 years

The currency used to describe the Nunez transfer will be determined by how well he plays. If he’s shite he’ll be a 100m flop if he’s a success he’ll be a snip at 64m.


Mate can you post up the answer there and save me a click?

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Man city. It says Liverpool are the 4th biggest spenders since he arrived but are the 2nd/3rd most successful team in that period. They’ve basically outperformed the most underperforming team in professional football history.

Hard to believe it was City

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They’re ferocious men to spend