Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

Fulvio was spot on with what he said

But the manager of quisling club Shamrock Rovers took over the north months later. Didn’t bother him.

Here, hear.

I find the bigoted attitudes of @Perez2017 , @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @myboyblue to be so 2018 and very out of touch with the modern world. In a new Ireland we have to be accepting of all. It’s the only way to achieve a 32 county federal state.

Time for a few lads to leave the dark ages behind and come into the modern world.


Is this the crowd that apologized to the Royal Family?

You never thought Liverpool would turn in the favour of Northern Ireland, but if you live long enough, you see everything.

Well lets not get carried away here.

It Is indeed. King Charles was touched by their kindness and unequivocal condemnation of any anti-Royal sentiment. So much so @ChairmanDan has been spotted in Tallaght, leading the anti-Meghan chants.


i dont think any Rovers fans were playing the orange card when he took over unlike the likes of you @tazdedub & @Jayo76 turning all loyalist on us

Yawn yawn yawn and the usual lads circling to give likes

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im giving that a like

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What would you see as the solution to the National question pal?

Ye left us behind used to be the cry, seems some of them were only happy to stay there.

a united carbon neutral oireland


Appeciate your answer and thank you. Do you understand what a loyalist person is and which of my posts make me a loyalist?
Is Paddy McCourt a loyalist?

did Paddy have a chance to play for the ROI?

I wonder would it be possible to ask Paddy and Neil had they had the opportunity that there is today not to declare for NI, would they have done so?

Judging by your high standards could he not have thumbed his nose at the Queen as James McClean did?

while he was playing for Rochdale?


Simple question really, did some degree of choice come in to it for Paddy or was he forced to go to Windsor and tog out in what you would call " the Butchers apron"?

If you feel yes then well and good, or did he freely tog? If so is he a loyalist?