Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

Its hilarious. Great lads to cycle downhill with the wind on their backs.

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The lads are watching and analysing the game. No time for silly posting. Sure thelimericks are the same. You’ll never see them posting during a match.


Going one nil down is part of the plan at this stage sure

Don’t tell me you didn’t back 3-1?

Incredible resilience. The comeback kings. 7 wins a row despite being behind in 5 of those games. Spurs (A) will be a massive test though. Ange has them absolutely purring.

3-1 is the new 1-0

Jesus the mob was on my back quick again there. Thank fuck there wasnt a fountain nearby.

All stems from the man at the coal face. He’s built a new team under the nose of everyone.


You have to have great admiration for Liverpool and its fans. And in Nunez they have a once in a lifetime player. Incredible how they’ve done this all over again

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It’s widely acknowledged that supporters of Liverpool Football Club are very knowledgeable.
So obviously are focused on the game.


Or watching on IPTV, five minutes behind


Just when we thought the laptop gurus were on a break up pops this lad. It’s amazing really.

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Finely tuned to peak in second halves. @thelimericks will love that

Unless they happen to be murdering at the time

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Coach Klopp has his third great team assembled and purring.

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And lads tipping him for the sack

Gambling is a nawful affliction