Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

That’s disgusting. Surely @ChairmanDan doesnt realise the real meaning behind his slur?

Can everyone please condemn this term immediately. Anyone not doing so here will be seen to condone it.

Man you spend an abnormal amount of time chatting about Liverpool, you’re glued to this thread :sweat_smile:

I go where the football discussion is.


We Are Football


it doesnt really. at all. It was a dig at the economic standing of the city of liverpool in the 70s and 80s and how the city was far poorer than the rest of the country and how they needed to rummage through bins to feed themselves. not that they chose to do that over work. Its a fairly classist type of trope that when said by Irish supporters of other EPL clubs just sounds fucking stupid. The BT documentary “Two Tribes” is a pretty good watch about the city of Liverpool and about the 2 clubs and how they were the best 2 in the early to mid 80s, all the while the city was in shit with poverty and unemployment.

anyway, back to who was a better footballer and what club has the most racists.


This truly does mean more. The Yanited boys went into hiding after their defeat to Palace the other day while the Liverpool lads continue to argue vehemently for their team 2 days after a sickening defeat.


That’s what it means to liverpool fans

To the people who use it means scousers are lazy bastards that would rather dip in bins than work

I might start using it myself.

It’s origins are in the Tory party’s idea of ‘managed decline’ of the city.

That’s the way that term has been used for four decades.

This is a good read about that period of time.

“the Prime Minister and several of her colleagues seemed willing to ascribe the socio-economic problems of these predominantly black and minority ethnic inner-city neighbourhoods to some underlying flaw in the character of the residents and their locally elected representatives rather than more long running structural economic factors. Thus Thatcher warned her Cabinet at their meeting on 9 July 1981 that, “We have poured money into big employments in Merseyside; a failure”. Instead she pointed the finger of blame for inner city strife at Labour authorities that had created “horrible housing, high rise, etc.” and on the lifestyles of the non-working poor—“We have a whole generation brought up on 5h a day of TV”.”

Some lads think poverty is gas craic.

You aren’t from Liverpool?


dont worry, he’ll be gone by january

Hilarious. The Top Redz on here have spent the guts of a month and a half getting great craic out of domestic abuse jokes at uniteds expense in the name of bantz but now they wish to seek the moral high ground over the term bin dipper. There musnt be a mirror left in the ratoath inn.


news just in: liverpool have asked PGMOL to release the audio from the officials on Saturday.

this is going to be great


jarvis cocker 90s GIF

The Paddy Footix Sky Sports Super Sunday crowd really showing themselves up here with a real lack of knowledge and insight of our English terrace banter.

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bin dippers has never been about being workshy layabouts. there are plenty of other chants to abuse them about that (sign on, etc.), although I’m not sure how jeering others for being unemployed is much better. bin dippers has only ever been about looking for food in bins because they are poor, same as “feed the scousers” sung at Christmas or the lovely “liverpool slums” ditty from years back. In summary, football fans are gobshites.

Liverpool fans have a monopoly on victimhood mate.

as above, football fans are gobshites. jeering supporters because players have been accused or part of domestic abuse is just stupid.

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Ten or fifteen years ago, you would have been handing in your Labour party card for this but I suppose Labour are gone so far from the left now that it’s not at all surprising

ah, you should have said it was banter. Might want to let the spurs hierarchy know it was just banter too.