Liverpool - not 2009/10 but the next season after that

Lucas has been recalled to the Brasilian national squad :clap:

Whats all this about Riquelme?? I dont think he would be suited to the premiership whats so everā€¦

Do you rate Lucas CM?

God love him, he does try, but he is a bag of shit in fairnessā€¦

Not sure how I feel about this. I like Luke Young as a player but wouldnā€™t consider him top class nor a left back so what are the ramifications for Glen Johnson? And another thing, why the fook isnā€™t Insua gone?

Liverpool F.Cā€¦ A joy to behold.

While I think Hodgson has already started doing his job by trying to patch this shithole club together as fast as he can, And I think theyā€™ll perform solidly under his system, I think the lack of quality will show when they meet good teams.

And Iā€™d worry about him taking this squad anywhere for a competitive game:

Team: (from)

Cavalieri, Gulacsi, Kelly, Ince, Skrtel, Agger, Wilson, Kyrgiakos, Ayala, Darby, Shelvey, Eccleston, Amoo, Dalle Valle, Aquilani, Lucas, Spearing, Ngog, Jovanovic.

Hereā€™s hoping that laughing at Liverpool starts even earlier this year!

The most successful club in England is a shithole of a club?

What have you been smoking?

Did I miss anything?

Not really Flano, Farmer just rewinded to the start of the tape.

Hodgson already coming up with excuses if they lose blaming the World Cup. He also had distanced himself by from Torres and Mascherano leaving by reiterating that the Torres and Mascherano situation predates his arrival.

Less of it, just do your job.

Rabotnicki are 9/1 tomorrow. Itā€™s slightly tempting but Liverpool even with that squad shoud have enough. I hope at least.

Iā€™d do the same farmer. Heā€™s got to build something new. He canā€™t associate with the rafa era.

Heā€™ll get more out of certain players though i believe, especially Gerrard.

Daniel Pacheco is the leading scorer in the u19 Euros at the mo and as Iā€™ve said before is a great prospect. I think he can be Gerrards long term replacement but he has to see more playing time with the seniors this year.

Weā€™ll see how he does Kev and Ill give him every chance of course. But his interview earlier about the match tomorrow was almost ā€˜if we lose itā€™s not my faultā€™ type slant.

Look itā€™s not ideal but just get on with it instead of just covering your tracks and trying to save face.

Am i right in thinking Hodgson has a history of using young players, not afraid to throw them in?

I hope soā€¦ and finacially may have to. Young Kelly the right back is another great prospect so the Luke Young transfer has me a bit baffledā€¦ Unless he is being brought in to cover the left!?

Ha! Reminds me of 'Arry when he took over at Spurs. Spent the entire rest of that season (and a good bit of last season too) mentioning in every single interview that they only had two points from seven games (or whatever it was) when he took over. Incredibly annoying, but Iā€™d suppose it serves a purpose for him.

I think Darby has done alright there as well.

The signing of Kyrgiakos was shocking last season. A 31 year old journeyman as opposed to bringing young Ayala through.

No one from the academy since Gerrard and Carragher. Incredible.

I donā€™t watch Liverpool religiously or anything, but what i saw of him he was one of Liverpools better players last year.

He is functional - operates reasonably well up against an immobile front man but drag him around the pitch and he is ordinary.

Would have no faith in him as a main defender, thatā€™s for sure.

Drag most center halves out the pitch and they struggle, thats why most are center halves. Carragher is a mess out there, even Cannavaro in his prime could be exposed, Chellini is like that, Tony Adams etc. Players like that need midfield protection.

Heā€™s more of a stopper than Agger anyway.