Liverpool - not 2009/10 but the next season after that

Your spelling leaves a lot to be desired these days farmer

Could be wrong farmer but am nearly sure players under the age of 21 don’t have to be officially registered in the 25 man squad

Posting from the iPhone Fran - at least that is what I am blaming it on.

Wasn’t aware of that Puke - either way looks as if Hodgson is throwing him in which is good.

Anyone read Gerrard’s quote in the Guardian today about Joe Cole being more skillful than Messi? Granted both had shocking World Cups but it was a bit much.

Christian Poulsen signed for 6million. Another defensive midfielder. Wouldnt have thought he was needed too badly.

We’ll look forward to more of this…

Well with Mascherano going cover will be needed… cant be relying solely of the suplime skills of Lucas

fixed that for you

Is he definately going though?

He also tipped him for player of the year.

I imagine the signing of poulsen affirms this… cant see any other reason why he would be signed

These take over rumours are taking a new twist everyday as well. Middle east group supposedly buying out the yanks now.

Source for this by the way??

He underwent a medical and all. I presume its signed and sealed.

Aint nothing sealed yet… Talks ongoing…

Mixed reports around claiming that Hodgson could swoop for Bellamy and Warnock amongst others…

Poulsen has signed. He has a worst shooting record than Lucas - crikey!! Brad Jones on his way as reserve keeper.

I wonder what team Hodgson wil pick against Arsenal. Going on the last match I can’t see many changes.

Johnson, Carragher, Skrtel, Kelly,
Jovanovic, Lucas, Gerrard, Pacheco,

Looks like Hleb + 15m for Maschearno is a done deal.

Not bad business at all for Liverpool. Poulsen and Hleb and 10m leftover.

Shrewd bit of Business if it goes through… Hleb knows the prem and can play ball… A positive enough summer all considered.

Source for this Rocko?

Yeah I’m not seeing it anywhere…

Came across one headline alright… ‘Mascherano tells Liverpool it’s not you, it’s me’ :rolleyes: