Liverpool - not 2009/10 but the next season after that

MBB does have amazing internetting skills :rolleyes:

A lot of lads seem quite bitter that MBB called this one right…

Farmer I think your silence on wanting Kenny Daglish to be Ireland manager not too long ago is a far bigger issue here

I brought it up twice with Bean farmer, no more no less, because he seemed to take issue with me on this point. This is the internet farmer, if you’re not right you’re wrong. I believe I was right, was I not?

Oh and Torres has said Pool and Chelsea were in talks for almost two weeks.

I can take my lumps when I’m wrong Puke, just wish others could too.

I believe I said that Torres ‘may’ engineer a move ‘in time’ but that the buying of Suarez wasn’t to force him out… Noone saw that fiasco coming and don’t predend you did.

Anyway Carroll and Suarez in for 2m will do nicely…

Why would Liverpool want to force him out? :huh: I never said they were forcing Torres anywhere, I said Torres would most likely move on, which he did. Your arrogance in thinking otherwise combined with your failure to understand the role of agents in football was the most amusing aspect of this whole situation.

I understand perfectly the role of agents … all I said was with the same agent why would he play one off against the other ? A very risky strategy if he wanted to retain both their services, thats all I hinted at and you went off on one and I let you off…Obviously he knew Torres wanted to move on, I didn’t. Torres had said in September he wanted to stay and fight. You can only take a persons word… Arrogance,no. Naiviety in thinking their was loyalty in the man, maybe…

Well done to you tho… Have a nice wank to vindicate your self… I look forward to you bringing this up on any occasion you can, to remind us all how you called the whole Torres affair correctly.

Once in 30,000 posts aint bad i suppose.


Good man Bean, takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong. Hope Luis and Andy work out for Liverpool.

Comfortable 2-0 win tonight. Stoke seemed content to let us have the ball most of the time and didn’t pose much of a threat when they had it themselves. Suarez very lively when he came on, very comfortable on the ball and showed a few delightful touches. Don’t know if the goal will be given to him but it’s a decent start all the same. Lack of wide threat very noticeable tonight. Getting the most out of Carroll is going to take some figuring out.

jaysus :rolleyes:

You just disappear for a day when you’re found out.


By the way, you’ll find I’ve been here all day, as per usual many would say :smiley:

Ya, well known for walking away from an argument alright.

But he was right about Torres leaving and didn’t walk away from it. What’s your point?

Some people dont get it Bandage, they just dont get it.

Anyhoo. Suarez tweets about his first game at Anfeld

Very happy after the debut dreamed, goal and victory of the team! Anfield and the supporters are magical!

it was a general point.

the last few pages of this thread have been a monumental victory for MBB

Wouldn’t be a fan of him normally but MBB has done well here. A pair of tits wouldnt go amiss though

Fernando Torres has been branded a ‘fake and a fraud who has spat in the faces of the Liverpool supporters who idolised him’.

In a no-holds-barred condemnation of the Spain striker’s £50million move to Chelsea, former Liverpool striker John Aldridge says Torres has shown himself to be little more than a mercenary.

Aldridge said: 'Torres is simply a mercenary who has gone for a huge pay rise.

'Liverpool fans stuck by him this season. They made excuses for his poor performances, about his injuries still affecting him. But all the time Torres appeared to be taking the club and the fans for a ride.

‘Once he had put in a transfer request Liverpool were right to let him go. There’s no point keeping someone who doesn’t want to be there. My five-year-old grandson refused to put his Torres shirt on over the weekend because even he was disgusted with him.’

Torres is in line to make his Chelsea debut against Liverpool on Sunday and Aldridge added: 'Torres talked about how much it meant to him to be a Liverpool player. He seemed to embrace Liverpool’s values but now we know he didn’t mean it. It wasn’t real and I’m sure he’ll be saying the same things about playing for Chelsea.

‘The timing of his decision to demand a move was terrible but maybe Liverpool are better off without him.’

Liverpool paid £35m for Andy Carroll to replace Torres, and while Aldridge acknowledges it is an inflated price, he thinks the 22-year-old Geordie will prove a good investment, saying: 'We paid over the odds for Carroll but it’s all relative. Torres was overvalued as well. Getting £50m for a player who hasn’t performed over the past 12 months is good business.

'We’ve got two new strikers (Carroll and Luis Suarez) who could give us a lot more than we got from Torres

Aldridge comes across as an utter idiot there. ‘Even my grandchild…’ FFS.

Crazy rant from Aldo, maybe that sort of madness is why he’s not still managing anyone.


If Aldo says it, then it must be true.

Seriously though, I’ve been looking back on Torres’ actions over the last six months or so.

First of all in the summer, he said that he wanted to stay as he felt that Liverpool were still the best club in England to play for. What I felt he was hinting at there was that he may leave, but he would go abroad. Six months later, he is talking about Chelsea being at a different level to Liverpool, while in the same breath saying that he would never say anything bad about Liverpool. Also when his daughter was born a couple of months back he spoke of how he was proud that she was ‘speaking Scouse’.

The reality of it though is that he rightly felt that he wasn’t going to acheive what he wanted to achieve at Liverpool in the near future, so he left. I think that he was always intending to leave since last summer so in that respect his pandying to the fans was a bit sickening, given what his real views were.