Living Alone

Let it all out mbb

i can think of nothing worse than being over 22/23 and having to live with other human beings you are not having sex with

In the last few months I have stayed away from the beer and avoided going out drinking at all costs. Busy in work and I couldn’t face the paranoia, panic attacks and depression that alcohol brings on.

Perfect Saturday for me is to get up at 11am, go for a run, watch an Arsenal match on tv in the afternoon, down to the Dropping Well for dinner and back home then to watch The Wire/The Sopranos/Mad Men. Keep conversation and human interaction to a minimum through all that, one of the women that brings out the food in the Dropping Well is a bit chatty so it can be challenging.

How does any of that answer Tinnion’s question? Me. Me. Me. Me.


I lived on my own in Sydney for about 5 months Brian. It was excellent but by the end of it I was ready to live with people again. It does get a bit lonely even though I was out doing stuff a lot of the time. I will impart my wisdom to you offline.

I could probably give living on my own a go but I reckon I would get bored after a while. Generally speaking, I’m happy enough pottering around the place watching a few games of ball or listening to music when I’m alone in the gaff but I haven’t experience of it over a concerted period of time. I would caution though Tinnion that I knew a lad who lived on his own and he found that his head was always up in the clouds in a dreamworld. It’s not easy living on your own. Dee do de de dee do de de. You may not have no time for no monkey business.

All that smacks of a man who is happy and content in his own company, which is fine in a way, but is no way to find love in the manner in which Bandage loved and lost in recent times. Man is not meant to live alone Tinnion, remember that.

How does this affect your astro career Brian?

If things are that bad with Arshavin23 have you considered moving in with Ledge or anyone?

there is one thing than impresses a bird more than alot of other things, if you bring her home to your own pad, and nobody else lives there. Could be the difference between a ride and not getting one.

Or indeed if your trying to impress a girl for a date, cooking for her at home in your own gaf will put you ahead of the posse as well.

That would be a saturday i’d have at least twice a month. Othe 2 saturdays will involve gf and beaches, walks and maybe drinking. All enjoyable too.

Clarkey, it’s reassurance he was looking for, and support, i think thats what i gave him.

But then who do you blame the dirt on? and the stack of porn dvd’s?

Its just about being prepared runt. Porn DVD’s are very 90’s runty.


If you bring home a bird and there are two smelly cunts panned out on the coach stoned or drunk then your % chance of the ride diminishes immediately.

Hopefully you will never have kids.

I generally have the place to myself on weekends and I have to say it can’t be beat. I find when one of the lads stays here for a weekend rather than fucking off to his boghole, the slightest things annoy me no end and I generally find myself out of the house most of the weekend.

This is sort of dude that will nag you asking you what you want for dinner when you’re sititng around watching Soccer Extra, reading the papers of a Sunday morning and then set about making dubious roast dinner at 1 o’clock with Texas blasting in the kitchen :unsure:

Even midweek, I can sometimes end up waiting till everybody else has gone to bed before sitting down to a bit of dinner so I can have my own bit of space and peace without interruption.

:clap: onto the register with this beast

The move to another city is at its very early stages and is only 50:50 at best, in the unlikely event the request is granted I will be honouring my current contract and the move will only happen in Q4 2010.

I’ve clouded the topics here a bit, the scenarios and likelihood of them occurring are as follows:

  • Arshavin23/TP McNally/Tinnion axis breaks up - 100% certain to happen in July

After this the possible outcomes are:

  • Tinnion moves to another city alone 50% chance
  • Tinnion moves into a new dwelling in Dublin with Arshavin23 or Ledge 25% chance
  • Tinnion moves into a new dwelling in Dublin alone 25% chance

Looks like I have a 75% of living alone, lovely.


TP McNally must be an awful cunt :lol:

I think there is some merit to living in your own. I find that by living with someone else, or a few others, you get drawn into a culture within the house even if it is something that goes against what naturally appeals to you.

For instance, if you were an outgoing person and your housemates weren’t, you can get drawn into their way of being and get pissed off.

When you live on your own, you are truly free to do what you want with no distractions.

That said, living on my own for a long period of time would do my head in. You need a bit of company unless you are a social misfit like Tinnion.