Living Alone

I’ve done TP a bit of a disservice, despite a tendancy to play the saxophone at 4am there is not bitterness in our break-up, he’s moving in with his bird.

Whilst not living on my own, i did live with only one other person for a good while when i was in college who would often be gone from Friday to Sunday. That meant i was the only person in the house for the best part of three days each week and i must say i absolutely revelled in it. I found that it was the only time i could get anything done (if that was what i wanted), but generally i just scrounged around in my jocks for a few days. It was a great life and i couldn’t recommend it highly enough.

ive been living alone for the last 5 years in 3 different cities and love it
would never go back to appartmemt sharing.

when i was in college in ireland i lived in a few awful messes of gaffs with lads / lassies and the craic was savage, would never change it,i could write a small book on the shite that happened in wilton when we were in CIT .
first couple of years working in ireland i lived with 2 lads and great crack was had also in dublin,
i decided to leave the country in 2006 and lived alone in the US for 1 year then sarajevo and now tel aviv.
i find now that my time spent in my apparetment is limited so it does not bother me, i also like coming home to a peaceful place where i can do what i want without having to care for the needs or bother with others.

in europe its very strange to hear of people over ~26 sharing appartments,unless they are a couple or something.
i find that in college a lot of activity was centered around the house, boozing / riding / TV,
as time moves on tho i found the horizons tend to broaden …
the boozing and riding dosent stop but now i couldnt imagine coming home from work and watching TV for the night… you know that shite ,a few housemates siting around watching nonsensical sit comson a monday night drinking tea talking bollox.
the highlight of your week becomes a 4 hour champions league marathon on a wednesday, thats not good…
in college there was a lot of this, albeit with booze and drugs but i couldnt go back to it

the only thing that some people say tho is that the longer u live alone the harder it is to live with someone.
myself and the girlfriend have awful rows if we are around each other too much, so for now there is no way i could contemplate her moving in or me vice versa,
maybe time will tell however

living alone u definitly get out more.
my first year in tel aviv i had no TV or internet so i used to head down to a cafe to watch the champions leage at 10 pm on wednesday nights…it worked out well for meeting people etc.

Magnificent. :clap:

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 451775”]
I find that by living with someone else, or a few others, [/quote]

I.e. your brother, or your brother and your auntie.

I’ve been living on my own for the last couple of months. It has it’s pluses and minuses. Your own space, do what you want, nobody annoying you (or hogging kitchen, bathroom, TV etc.). It’s also nice to feel like the whole apartment is your own, not just your bedroom. However, it can get a bit boring after a while; getting in in the evenings and not having anyone to chat to for even five minutes can be a bit weird at first. Sometimes you can go from leaving work in the evening to getting to work in the morning without talking to anyone, although it sounds like that would be up your street Tinnion. If you’re going to live alone at least do it in a city where you have mates; I moved to the other side of the world and I get a bit of cabin fever at the weekends cos I still don’t know that many people and end up staying in the gaf on my own (plus my PS3 and most of my other belongings are on the high seas til May-just as well I got the digital TV in). In short, living on your own is a great move as long as you still have other social outlets when you need them.

Hate to butt into what is clearly a boys get-together but seriously Tin, paranoia, panic attacks and depression are not the things you want to be alone with.

Drink or no drink.

Everyone should live on their own for a few years. I lived sans people in Dublin for 2 years and had the time of my life. Nice little place in Rathmines, that I kept spotless, as I’m a very tidy person and it annoys the shit out of me when I see mess (I have a bit of an OCD thing going on). A lot of birds were brought back to that place and all were impressed not only with my ability in bed (naturally) but what a nice place it was. Though it usually looked like a fucking warzone on Sunday morning.

Its great, you do what you want, who you want, when you want. No pricks annoying you and no one messing up the bathroom (nothing worse than trying to shave in a bathroom someone uses as a council tip).

Now that I’m hitched and with a son, I have re-dicovered my love of gardening and living in a decent sized house.

Go for it Tinnion, though the effects alcohol seem to have on you are worrying.

Whats the chances that a load of lads postin on the internet turn out to be anti-social loners…

I wouldn’t call myself anti-social but the older I get, the less I like other people

me too, i thought originally that the world was just producing a lot more grade A cunts, but iv come to the conclusion that its probably me.

Nah the world is full of cunts bro. For real.

lived alone for the past 2 and a half years, and recently moved into a new gaff sharing with 2 other lads.

as said previously, the benefits of having a whole apartment to yourself are hard to let go

biggest problem for me was trying to organize all my stuff into 1 room
I eventually came to the conclusion i have far too much stuff and gave away a fair bit of it.
I’m currently between girlfriends so the lack of my own place isn’t a problem yet, and usually i prefer to go to their place, means i can leave when i want, so not overly bothered with that aspect of it.

i miss the freedom of the old place a bit, you knew where everything was and didn’t have to compartmentalize stuff in bathrooms, kitchens, etc.
on the other hand the company is a definite benefit at times, useful for lifts here and there (pub, airport, etc) and the banter can be good. not a huge TV watcher (prefer box sets and movies) so no big deal with sharing a sitting room.

glad i moved overall, very easy slip into a routine of paper / run / couch / tv / pizza at the weekends and suddenly it’s monday and you’ve sweet FA to show for your time off when you’ve the place to yourself.
what’s seldom is wonderful as the fella says.

I’ve been living on my own 5 days a week for the past 6 or so months, enjoy it far more then living with it other people. On the other hand, I generally dislike and am bored by 99.99% of the human race.


Almost five months in and this has been working out splendidly so far.

Highlights include:

  • taking a dump with the door open
  • being alone
  • not having to talk to people if you don’t want to
  • not coming home to a mess in the kitchen
  • loads of BT time

Lowlights include:

  • footing cable, electric and furnishing costs alone
  • footing rent alone

Sometimes it’s great on a Friday night getting home from work if you’re not in the mood for beer and watching a few DVDs, then getting up on Saturday, getting the paper, going to the gym, going for a walk downtown - all of these alone - it’s great.

thinly veiled" im sound & most people are alright sorts too but my extreme facial pigmentational disfigurement puts people off to the point they shy away from me"


I am veering towards a preference for this existence myself.

Does it not cost an absolute fortune to live alone in Dublin? Last time I checked a shithole bedsit in Rathmines with a “kitchenette” cost about €550-600. Factor in all the utility bills and internet and tv and it’s surely too dear for it to be worth it, no? Don’t get me wrong, I’d be all for it, having lived with some truly despicable individuals over the last few years, but I don’t see how it’s possible. As someone mentioned though, it’s the norm on the continent. I’d nearly emigrate just to avail of the cheap rents.