Living Alone

That’s a highly insensitive comment given the events in Woolich last week.

What happened in woolich?

Sorry mate, I wouldn’t be as well up on English place names as an anglophile like yourself.

Time to adjust Captcha Rocko, this is probably bandages job mind you.

I’m a lodger these days. I share accommodation with one other person (a girl). I really miss living alone :frowning:

My house mate is moving out soon, back to solo Carryharry again. :clap:

Any tips on getting the other person to move out? Or having them ask you to move out?

Drop the hand

Introduce him to a bird absolutely mad to settle down, works every time.

Typical i,m afraid of the gayness reply myboyblue.

I think you chaps have mis-interpreted brian’s domestic arrangements but far be it for me to publicly divulge any more information.

That wasn’t the lady friend was it? :eek:
