Local and European election candidates

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 947526, member: 53”]Harry Potter rebutted well.
Grace o Greenie is earnest as hell.
Prendergast is a flailing fool here, pointing out her lack of a track record or action.[/QUOTE]

Who is Harry Potter? Harris?

He was badly exposed in his exchanges with the moustached man.

He has Kelly and Clune on the hop alright, Kelly in particular doesn’t know what to make of him. I thought Harris has dealt with him well enough, he has enough knowledge to give an answer back to him instead of trying to bluff a response to him.

Diarmuid O Flynn is fucking great here coming back at harry potter. Clune feeling the need to do something, anything here.
Harry Potter is ahead on points and needs to shut up.
FF’s Hartley on dangerous ground here.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 947529, member: 2533”]Who is Harry Potter? Harris?

He was badly exposed in his exchanges with the moustached man.[/QUOTE]

Yes, Harris. I don’t think so. Talked his way out well. That’s why Diarmuid O Flynn (taschio) came back at him and before he could answer Clune stepped in to try and be relevant.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 947526, member: 53”]Harry Potter rebutted well.
Grace o Greenie is earnest as hell.
Prendergast is a flailing fool here, pointing out her lack of a track record or action.[/QUOTE]
Fuck off slagging Grace.

When van de ven says golden circle I think he looks like a magician talking.

A bunch of irevelant cunts, the lot of them.

Not slagging her. I imagine she’s lovely. But there’s an element of the rabbit in the headlights about her. It was funny when she shouted at Prendergast in the wide shot and then went to cover her mouth like a kid in trouble.

Why do you like her again? Can’t remember.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 947538, member: 53”]Not slagging her. I imagine she’s lovely. But there’s an element of the rabbit in the headlights about her. It was funny when she shouted at Prendergast in the wide shot and then went to cover her mouth like a kid in trouble.

Why do you like her again? Can’t remember.[/QUOTE]
She’s a hero. That’s why. Proper Eco-warrior. She was on the Rainbow Warrior when the French Special Forces scuttled it.

First time paying any attention to this tonight and Harris won my vote.

Ah yes, I remember now. Fair fucks to her. Pity she hasn’t a hope.

Blueshirt alert.

Grace won’t give a fuck. She’ll get up the morning after and take her surfboard down to the Trà Mhòr and surf in as gracefully as she did when she was 20 years of age. The way she does every morning.

I like Grace, very passionate and made some good points about the ordinary Joe not having a clue who our MEPs were.

Vincent constantly taking the opposite view to everything that the candidates say gets fairly tiresome at times and just leads to them shouting over each other with incoherent rabble.

Harris was the most polished of the lot but he still comes across as a smug git who’d knife you in the back the first chance he got

A vote for Harris gets a shinner elected in the Wicklow by election. I urge everyone to vote for him.

Comes across as a smug git without the balls to knife you, methinks.

Showing your ignorance pal.

I see the Irish Independent anti sinn fein campaign continues unabated this morning.

[QUOTE=“Fran, post: 945684, member: 110”]Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher. What the fuck is ‘The Cope’ about?

What kind of gombeen cunts would put this candidate forward to represent us in Europe?[/QUOTE]

Whats the deal with this lad - is his name James or Pat or both?