Local and European election candidates


Eilis O’Hanlon had a prime example in the Sunday indo the weekend.

Dangerous to be known as Jim McDaid in them there parts perhaps?

I thought that. But then people might confuse him with Pat McQuaid.

It would be J"P" on that basis then?

I would imagine McDaid in Donegal, is similar to Ryan in Tipperary and they would often adopt nicknames to differentiate between the various families.

Minority sport, I doubt too many in this country even know who Pat McQuaid is.

I think I told this story on here before, but a friend of mine is from Tipp and she has neighbours called the “Beara” McCarthys. They apparently got the name after they settled there post the 1601 battle of Kinsale. Just goes to show you are always a blow-in in some places.

A bit below on the back story & how they ended up fleeing beara at the time.


Vote for a return to the 1930s :smiley:


[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 947887, member: 2660”]Vote for a return to the 1930s :smiley:



Christ almighty!

She almost sounds like the feminist singer in Father Ted:

I heard that the Catholic Church had loads of potatoes during the famine and hid them from the people.

Except this isn’t comedy.

" contraception pill is contaminating our waters" :rolleyes:
Is there people like this running in other countries ?

Her husband didn’t get any dinner yesterday as she had to travel to Dublin for the debate. She’ll make him bacon and cabbage all week to make up for it.

[QUOTE=“cthon, post: 947905, member: 2588”]" contraception pill is contaminating our waters" :rolleyes:
Is there people like this running in other countries ?[/QUOTE]
You won’t be rolling your eyes when you’re slipping on a 42 DD bra in 10 years time

[QUOTE=“cthon, post: 947905, member: 2588”]" contraception pill is contaminating our waters" :rolleyes:
Is there people like this running in other countries ?[/QUOTE]

A direct cause of the gay

I bet she’s dynamite in the scratcher at the back of it all.

@artfoley, who are we voting for in the Local Elections, mate?

Please vote Deirdre Kingston

@TreatyStones and other South constituients I will be exercising my democratic right this evening and due to my abject laziness my vote is still down home.

I haven’t seen anything on any of the candidates bar that absolute loon from the catholic democrat party.

I think Sinn Fein will get my number one for the laugh.

My number 2 is up for grabs though if anyone can make a compelling case. I’m willing to consider anyone bar Green Party candidates :rolleyes: and labour.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 948034, member: 332”]@TreatyStones and other South constituients I will be exercising my democratic right this evening and due to my abject laziness my vote is still down home.

I haven’t seen anything on any of the candidates bar that absolute loon from the catholic democrat party.

I think Sinn Fein will get my number one for the laugh.

My number 2 is up for grabs though if anyone can make a compelling case. I’m willing to consider anyone bar Green Party candidates :rolleyes: and labour.[/QUOTE]

It’s a mish-mash of nobodies.
SF - No 1
You could give Sean Kelly your number 2

The fact you are a capitalist pig bond trader pretty much rules out all the independents for you. They all want to set you on fire.